blob: 98b2f29397c517a0ab2ecbe4c09e5c0cbe979782 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Serial console. Enabled very early.
\ remember last console used
CREATE lastser 4 allot 0 lastser l!
\ On JS21, use serial port 2. Detect Maui by looking at the SIO version.
20 siocfg@ f2 = IF 2f8 ELSE 3f8 THEN
: >serial LITERAL + ;
: js21? -2f8 >serial 0= ;
: serial! js21? IF 2dup 2f8 + io-c! THEN 3f8 + io-c! ;
: serial1@ 3f8 + io-c@ ;
: serial2@ 2f8 + io-c@ ;
: serial-init 0 1 serial! 0 2 serial!
80 3 serial! d# 115200 swap / 0 serial! 0 1 serial!
3 3 serial! 3 4 serial! ;
: serial-emit BEGIN 5 serial1@ 20 and UNTIL
js21? IF BEGIN 5 serial2@ 20 and UNTIL THEN 0 serial! ;
: serial1-key? 5 serial1@ 1 and 0<> ;
: serial2-key? 5 serial2@ 1 and 0<> ;
: serial1-key serial1-key? dup IF 0 serial1@ swap 0 lastser l! THEN ;
: serial2-key serial2-key? dup IF 0 serial2@ swap 1 lastser l! THEN ;
: serial-key BEGIN serial1-key dup IF ELSE js21? IF drop serial2-key THEN THEN UNTIL ;
: serial-key? serial1-key? js21? IF serial2-key? or THEN ;
\ : serial-key BEGIN 5 serial2@ 1 and UNTIL 0 serial2@ ;
\ : serial-key? 5 serial2@ 1 and 0<> ;
d# 19200 serial-init
' serial-emit to emit
' serial-key to key
' serial-key? to key?
( .( SLOF)
\ .( has started execution, serial console @ ) 0 >serial .