blob: 689325318eb6ab19f914c45627f58067a2835973 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Generic config space access function - xt is execution token of rtas-config-xx
: config-xt ( config-addr xt -- data )
puid >r \ Safe puid
my-puid TO puid \ Set my-puid
swap dup ffff00 AND 0= IF \ Has bus-device-function been specified?
my-space OR \ No: use my-space instead
swap execute \ Execute the rtas-config-xx function
r> TO puid \ Restore previous puid
\ define the config reads
: config-b@ ( config-addr -- data ) ['] rtas-config-b@ config-xt ;
: config-w@ ( config-addr -- data ) ['] rtas-config-w@ config-xt ;
: config-l@ ( config-addr -- data ) ['] rtas-config-l@ config-xt ;
\ define the config writes
: config-b! ( data config-addr -- ) ['] rtas-config-b! config-xt ;
: config-w! ( data config-addr -- ) ['] rtas-config-w! config-xt ;
: config-l! ( data config-addr -- ) ['] rtas-config-l! config-xt ;
\ for Debug purposes: dumps the whole config space
: config-dump puid >r my-puid TO puid my-space pci-dump r> TO puid ;
\ needed to find the right path in the device tree
: decode-unit ( addr len -- phys.lo ... phys.hi )
2 hex-decode-unit \ decode string
B lshift swap \ shift the devicenumber to the right spot
8 lshift or \ add the functionnumber
my-bus 10 lshift or \ add the busnumber
0 0 rot \ make phys.lo = 0 = phys.mid
\ needed to have the right unit address in the device tree listing
\ phys.lo=phys.mid=0 , phys.hi=config-address
: encode-unit ( phys.lo ... phys.hi -- unit-str unit-len )
nip nip \ forget the both zeros
dup 8 rshift 7 and swap \ calc Functionnumber
B rshift 1F and \ calc Devicenumber
over IF \ IF Function!=0
2 hex-encode-unit \ | create string with DevNum,FnNum
nip 1 hex-encode-unit \ | create string with only DevNum
: map-in ( phys.lo phys.mid phys.hi size -- virt )
\ ." map-in called: " .s cr
\ Ignore the size, phys.lo and phys.mid, get BAR from config space
drop nip nip ( phys.hi )
\ Sanity check whether config address is in expected range:
dup FF AND dup 10 28 WITHIN NOT swap 30 <> AND IF
cr ." phys.hi = " . cr
ABORT" map-in with illegal config space address"
00FFFFFF AND \ Need only bus-dev-fn+register bits
dup config-l@ ( phys.hi' bar.lo )
dup 7 AND 4 = IF \ Is it a 64-bit BAR?
swap 4 + config-l@ lxjoin \ Add upper part of 64-bit BAR
F NOT AND \ Clear indicator bits
\ TODO: Use translate-address here!
: map-out ( virt size -- )
\ ." map-out called: " .s cr
: dma-alloc ( ... size -- virt )
\ ." dma-alloc called: " .s cr
: dma-free ( virt size -- )
\ ." dma-free called: " .s cr
: dma-map-in ( ... virt size cacheable? -- devaddr )
\ ." dma-map-in called: " .s cr
: dma-map-out ( virt devaddr size -- )
\ ." dma-map-out called: " .s cr
2drop drop
: dma-sync ( virt devaddr size -- )
\ XXX should we add at least a memory barrier here?
\ ." dma-sync called: " .s cr
2drop drop
: open true ;
: close ;