blob: 69b9bc4099d2d406bb869a31b24d13aae325e83d [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Atmel TPM.
new-device 500 1 set-unit
s" tpm" 2dup device-name device-type
s" AT97SC3201" compatible
\ 2 bytes of ISA I/O space
my-unit encode-int rot encode-int+ 2 encode-int+ s" reg" property
: >tpm 4e io-c! ;
: tpm@ >tpm 4f io-c@ ;
: tpm! >tpm 4f io-c! ;
: dump-tpm 11 0 DO cr i 2 .r space i tpm@ 2 0.r LOOP ;
my-address wbsplit 9 tpm! 8 tpm! \ set base address
0 a tpm! \ disable serint
\ Now we need to execute TPM_Startup.
CREATE startup-cmd
0 c, c1 c,
0 c, 0 c, 0 c, c c,
0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 99 c, \ TPM_ORD_Startup
0 c, 1 c, \ TCPA_ST_CLEAR
: send ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO i c@ 500 io-c! LOOP ;
: wait-for-ready ( -- ) BEGIN 501 io-c@ 3 and 2 = UNTIL ;
: recv-verbose ( -- )
cr ." TPM result: "
500 io-c@ 2 0.r 500 io-c@ 2 0.r space
500 io-c@ 500 io-c@ 500 io-c@ 500 io-c@
bljoin lbflip 6 - dup 8 0.r space 0
?DO 500 io-c@ . LOOP
: recv ( -- )
500 io-c@ drop 500 io-c@ drop
500 io-c@ 500 io-c@ 500 io-c@ 500 io-c@
bljoin lbflip 6 - 0
?DO 500 io-c@ drop LOOP
startup-cmd c send wait-for-ready recv
: open true ;
: close ;