blob: 1493d3bf116b39454bd9791556d09fa07508e78b [file] [log] [blame]
# *****************************************************************************
# * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
# * All rights reserved.
# * This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
# ****************************************************************************/
# This sub-Makefile contains the directory configuration variables.
# It can be included from all board specific subdirectories.
# The board specific top directory:
export TOPBRDDIR ?= $(shell while ! test -e Makefile.dirs ; do cd .. ; done ; pwd )
# The board specific directories:
export INCLBRDDIR ?= $(TOPBRDDIR)/include
export LLFWBRDDIR ?= $(TOPBRDDIR)/llfw
export RTASBRDDIR ?= $(TOPBRDDIR)/rtas
export SLOFBRDDIR ?= $(TOPBRDDIR)/slof
export ROMFSBRDDIR ?= $(TOPBRDDIR)/romfs
# The common top directory:
export TOPCMNDIR ?= $(shell cd $(TOPBRDDIR)/.. && pwd)
# The common directories:
export INCLCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/include
export LLFWCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/llfw
export RTASCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/rtas
export SLOFCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/slof
export ROMFSCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/romfs
export LIBCMNDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/lib
export TOOLSDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/tools
export CLIENTSDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/clients
export OTHERLICENCEDIR ?= $(TOPCMNDIR)/other-licence