blob: 911467021932c025e5ffa0a8c5fdbe614b00e691 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ ********** Variables to be set by host bridge **********
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ Values of the next free memory area
VARIABLE pci-next-mem \ prefetchable memory mapped
VARIABLE pci-max-mem
VARIABLE pci-next-mmio \ non-prefetchable memory
VARIABLE pci-max-mmio
VARIABLE pci-next-io \ I/O space
VARIABLE pci-max-io
\ Counter of busses found
0 VALUE pci-bus-number
\ Counter of devices found
0 VALUE pci-device-number
\ bit field of devices plugged into this bridge
0 VALUE pci-device-slots
\ byte field holding the device-slot number vector of the current device
\ the vector can be as deep as the max depth of bridges possible
\ 3,4,5 means
\ the 5th slot on the bus of the bridge in
\ the 4th slot on the bus of the bridge in
\ the 3rd slot on the HostBridge bus
here 100 allot CONSTANT pci-device-vec
0 VALUE pci-device-vec-len
\ Fixme Glue to the pci-devices ... remove this later
: next-pci-mem ( addr -- addr ) pci-next-mem ;
: next-pci-mmio ( addr -- addr ) pci-next-mmio ;
: next-pci-io ( addr -- addr ) pci-next-io ;
#include "pci-helper.fs"
\ Dump out the pci device-slot vector
: pci-vec ( -- )
cr s" device-vec(" type
pci-device-vec-len dup 2 0.r s" ):" type
1+ 0 DO
pci-device-vec i + c@
space 2 0.r
\ prints out all relevant pci variables
: pci-var-out ( -- )
s" mem:" type pci-next-mem @ 16 0.r cr
s" mmio:" type pci-next-mmio @ 16 0.r cr
s" io:" type pci-next-io @ 16 0.r cr
\ Update the device-slot number vector
\ Set the bit of the DeviceSlot in the Slot array
: pci-set-slot ( addr -- )
pci-addr2dev dup \ calc slot number
pci-device-vec-len \ the end of the vector
pci-device-vec + c! \ and update the vector
80000000 swap rshift \ calc bit position of the device slot
pci-device-slots or \ set this bit
TO pci-device-slots \ and write it back
\ Update pci-next-mmio to be 1MB aligned and set the mmio-base register
\ and set the Limit register to the maximum available address space
\ needed for scanning possible devices behind the bridge
: pci-bridge-set-mmio-base ( addr -- )
pci-next-mmio @ 100000 #aligned \ read the current Value and align to 1MB boundary
dup pci-next-mmio ! \ and write it back
10 rshift \ mmio-base reg is only the upper 16 bits
pci-max-mmio @ FFFF0000 and or \ and Insert mmio Limit (set it to max)
swap 20 + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the bridge
\ Update pci-next-mmio to be 1MB aligned and set the mmio-limit register
\ The Limit Value is one less then the upper boundary
\ If the limit is less than the base the mmio is disabled
: pci-bridge-set-mmio-limit ( addr -- )
pci-next-mmio @ 100000 #aligned \ fetch current value and align to 1MB
dup pci-next-mmio ! \ and write it back
1- FFFF0000 and \ make it one less and keep upper 16 bits
over 20 + rtas-config-l@ 0000FFFF and \ fetch original value
or swap 20 + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the Reg
\ Update pci-next-mem to be 1MB aligned and set the mem-base and mem-base-upper register
\ and set the Limit register to the maximum available address space
\ needed for scanning possible devices behind the bridge
: pci-bridge-set-mem-base ( addr -- )
pci-next-mem @ 100000 #aligned \ read the current Value and align to 1MB boundary
dup pci-next-mem ! \ and write it back
over 24 + rtas-config-w@ \ check if 64bit support
1 and IF \ IF 64 bit support
2dup 20 rshift \ | keep upper 32 bits
swap 28 + rtas-config-l! \ | and write it into the Base-Upper32-bits
pci-max-mem @ 20 rshift \ | fetch max Limit address and keep upper 32 bits
2 pick 2C + rtas-config-l! \ | and set the Limit
10 rshift \ keep upper 16 bits
pci-max-mem @ FFFF0000 and or \ and Insert mmem Limit (set it to max)
swap 24 + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the bridge
\ Update pci-next-mem to be 1MB aligned and set the mem-limit register
\ The Limit Value is one less then the upper boundary
\ If the limit is less than the base the mem is disabled
: pci-bridge-set-mem-limit ( addr -- )
pci-next-mem @ 100000 #aligned \ read the current Value and align to 1MB boundary
dup pci-next-mem ! \ and write it back
1- \ make limit one less than boundary
over 24 + rtas-config-w@ \ check if 64bit support
1 and IF \ IF 64 bit support
2dup 20 rshift \ | keep upper 32 bits
swap 2C + rtas-config-l! \ | and write it into the Limit-Upper32-bits
FFFF0000 and \ keep upper 16 bits
over 24 + rtas-config-l@ 0000FFFF and \ fetch original Value
or swap 24 + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the bridge
\ Update pci-next-io to be 4KB aligned and set the io-base and io-base-upper register
\ and set the Limit register to the maximum available address space
\ needed for scanning possible devices behind the bridge
: pci-bridge-set-io-base ( addr -- )
pci-next-io @ 1000 #aligned \ read the current Value and align to 4KB boundary
dup pci-next-io ! \ and write it back
over 1C + rtas-config-l@ \ check if 32bit support
1 and IF \ IF 32 bit support
2dup 10 rshift \ | keep upper 16 bits
pci-max-io @ FFFF0000 and or \ | insert upper 16 bits of Max-Limit
swap 30 + rtas-config-l! \ | and write it into the Base-Upper16-bits
8 rshift 000000FF and \ keep upper 8 bits
pci-max-io @ 0000FF00 and or \ insert upper 8 bits of Max-Limit
over rtas-config-l@ FFFF0000 and \ fetch original Value
or swap 1C + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the bridge
\ Update pci-next-io to be 4KB aligned and set the io-limit register
\ The Limit Value is one less then the upper boundary
\ If the limit is less than the base the io is disabled
: pci-bridge-set-io-limit ( addr -- )
pci-next-io @ 1000 #aligned \ read the current Value and align to 4KB boundary
dup pci-next-io ! \ and write it back
1- \ make limit one less than boundary
over 1D + rtas-config-b@ \ check if 32bit support
1 and IF \ IF 32 bit support
2dup FFFF0000 and \ | keep upper 16 bits
over 30 + rtas-config-l@ \ | fetch original Value
or swap 30 + rtas-config-l! \ | and write it into the Limit-Upper16-bits
0000FF00 and \ keep upper 8 bits
over 1C + rtas-config-l@ FFFF00FF and \ fetch original Value
or swap 1C + rtas-config-l! \ and write it into the bridge
\ set up all base registers to the current variable Values
: pci-bridge-set-bases ( addr -- )
dup pci-bridge-set-mmio-base
dup pci-bridge-set-mem-base
\ set up all limit registers to the current variable Values
: pci-bridge-set-limits ( addr -- )
dup pci-bridge-set-mmio-limit
dup pci-bridge-set-mem-limit
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ ****************** PCI Scan functions ******************
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ define function pointer as forward declaration of pci-probe-bus
DEFER func-pci-probe-bus
\ Setup the Base and Limits in the Bridge
\ and scan the bus(es) beyond that Bridge
: pci-bridge-probe ( addr -- )
dup pci-bridge-set-bases \ SetUp all Base Registers
pci-bus-number 1+ TO pci-bus-number \ increase number of busses found
pci-device-vec-len 1+ TO pci-device-vec-len \ increase the device-slot vector depth
dup \ stack config-addr for pci-bus!
FF swap \ Subordinate Bus Number ( for now to max to open all subbusses )
pci-bus-number swap \ Secondary Bus Number ( the new busnumber )
dup pci-addr2bus swap \ Primary Bus Number ( the current bus )
pci-bus! \ and set them into the bridge
pci-enable \ enable mem/IO transactions
dup pci-bus-scnd@ func-pci-probe-bus \ and probe the secondary bus
dup pci-bus-number swap pci-bus-subo! \ set SubOrdinate Bus Number to current number of busses
pci-device-vec-len 1- TO pci-device-vec-len \ decrease the device-slot vector depth
dup pci-bridge-set-limits \ SetUp all Limit Registers
drop \ forget the config-addr
\ set up the pci-device
: pci-device-setup ( addr -- )
drop \ since the config-addr is coded in my-space, drop it here
s" pci-device.fs" included \ and setup the device as node in the device tree
\ set up the pci bridge
: pci-bridge-setup ( addr -- )
drop \ since the config-addr is coded in my-space, drop it here
s" pci-bridge.fs" included \ and setup the bridge as node in the device tree
\ add the new found device/bridge to the device tree and set it up
: pci-add-device ( addr -- )
new-device \ create a new device-tree node
dup set-space \ set the config addr for this device tree entry
dup pci-set-slot \ set the slot bit
dup pci-htype@ \ read HEADER-Type
1 and IF \ IF BRIDGE
pci-bridge-setup \ | set up the bridge
pci-device-setup \ | set up the device
finish-device \ and close the device-tree node
\ check for multifunction and for each function
\ (dependig from header type) call device or bridge setup
: pci-setup-device ( addr -- )
dup pci-htype@ \ read HEADER-Type
80 and IF 8 ELSE 1 THEN \ check for multifunction
0 DO \ LOOP over all possible functions (either 8 or only 1)
i 8 lshift + \ calc device-function-config-addr
dup pci-vendor@ \ check if valid function
drop \ non-valid so forget the address
pci-device-number 1+ \ increase the number of devices
TO pci-device-number \ and store it
pci-add-device \ and add the device to the device tree and set it up
LOOP \ next function
drop \ forget the device-addr
\ check if a device is plugged into this bus at this device number
: pci-probe-device ( busnr devicenr -- )
pci-bus2addr \ calc pci-address
dup pci-vendor@ \ fetch Vendor-ID
FFFF = IF \ check if valid
drop \ if not forget it
pci-setup-device \ if valid setup the device
\ walk through all 32 possible pci devices on this bus and probe them
: pci-probe-bus ( busnr -- )
0 TO pci-device-slots \ reset slot array to unpoppulated
20 0 DO
i pci-probe-device
\ setup the function pointer used in pci-bridge-setup
' pci-probe-bus TO func-pci-probe-bus
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ ****************** System functions ********************
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
\ Setup the whole system for pci devices
\ start with the bus-min and try all busses
\ until at least 1 device was found
\ ( needed for HostBridges that don't start with Bus 0 )
: pci-probe-all ( bus-max bus-min -- ) \ Check all busses from bus-min up to bus-max if needed
0 TO pci-device-vec-len \ reset the device-slot vector
i TO pci-bus-number \ set current Busnumber
0 TO pci-device-number \ reset Device Number
pci-bus-number pci-probe-bus \ and probe this bus
pci-device-number 0 > IF LEAVE THEN \ if we found a device we're done
LOOP \ else next bus
\ probe the hostbridge that is specified in my-puid
\ for the mmio mem and io addresses:
\ base is the least available address
\ max is the highest available address
: probe-pci-host-bridge ( bus-max bus-min mmio-max mmio-base mem-max mem-base io-max io-base my-puid -- )
puid >r TO puid \ save puid and set the new
pci-next-io ! \ save the next io-base address
pci-max-io ! \ save the max io-space address
pci-next-mem ! \ save the next mem-base address
pci-max-mem ! \ save the max mem-space address
pci-next-mmio ! \ save the next mmio-base address
pci-max-mmio ! \ save the max mmio-space address
0d emit ." Adapters on " puid 10 0.r cr \ print the puid we're looking at
( bus-max bus-min ) pci-probe-all \ and walk the bus
pci-device-number 0= IF \ IF no devices found
15 spaces \ | indent the output
." None" cr \ | tell the world our result
r> TO puid \ restore puid
\ provide the device-alias definition words
#include <pci-aliases.fs>
\ provide all words for the interrupts settings
#include <pci-interrupts.fs>
\ provide all words for the pci capabilities init
#include <pci-capabilities.fs>
\ provide all words needed to generate the properties and/or assign BAR values
#include "pci-properties.fs"