blob: 044a0c8ff84af7d366e4294164d0eba509ae3020 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ The master file. Everything else is included into here.
' ll-cr to cr
\ as early as possible we want to know if it is js20, js21 or bimini
\ u3 = js20; u4 = js21/bimini
\ the difference if bimini or js21 will be done later depending if
\ obsidian or citrine is found
\ f8000000 is probably the place of the u3/u4 version
f8000000 rl@ CONSTANT uni-n-version
uni-n-version 4 rshift dup 3 = CONSTANT u3? 4 = CONSTANT u4?
\ if (f4000682 >> 4) == 1... it is a bimini...
f4000682 rb@ 4 rshift 1 = CONSTANT bimini?
\ to decide wether vga initialisation using bios emulation should be attempted,
\ we need to know wether a vga-device was found during pci-scan.
\ If it is found, this value will be set to the device's phandle
0 value vga-device-node?
\ planar-id reads back GPIO 29 30 31 and returns it as one value
\ if planar-id >= 5 it should be GA2 else it is GA1 (JS20 only)
defer planar-id ( -- planar-id )
: (planar-id) ( -- planar-id)
\ default implementation of planar-id just returns 8
\ the highest possible planar id for JS20 is 7
' (planar-id) to planar-id
#include "header.fs"
\ I/O accesses.
#include "io.fs"
\ XXX: Enable first UART on JS20, scripts forget to do this. Sigh.
3 7 siocfg! 1 30 siocfg!
#include "serial.fs"
#include "base.fs"
\ Little-endian accesses. Also known as `wrong-endian'.
#include <little-endian.fs>
\ do not free-mem if address is not within the heap
\ workaround for NVIDIA card
: free-mem ( addr len -- )
over heap-start heap-end within IF
: #join ( lo hi #bits -- x ) lshift or ;
: #split ( x #bits -- lo hi ) 2dup rshift dup >r swap lshift xor r> ;
: blink ;
: reset-dual-emit ;
: console-clean-fifo ;
: bootmsg-nvupdate ;
: asm-cout 2drop drop ;
#include "logging.fs"
: log-string 2drop ;
#include "bootmsg.fs"
000 cp
\ disable the nvram logging until we know if we are
\ running from ram/takeover/js20 or in normal mode on js21
: (nvramlog-write-byte) drop ;
' (nvramlog-write-byte) to nvramlog-write-byte
#include "exception.fs"
: mm-log-warning 2drop ;
: write-mm-log ( data length type -- status )
3drop 0
080 cp
#include "rtc.fs"
100 cp
\ Input line editing.
#include "accept.fs"
120 cp
#include "dump.fs"
cistack ciregs >r1 ! \ kernel wants a stack :-)
#include "romfs.fs"
140 cp
#include "flash.fs"
\ 1 temp; 0 perm; let's default to temp
1 VALUE flashside?
\ claim the memory used by copy of the flash
flash-header IF
romfs-base dup flash-image-size 0 claim drop
s" bootinfo" romfs-lookup drop c + l@ CONSTANT start-addr
start-addr flash-addr <> CONSTANT takeover?
takeover? u3? or 0= IF
\ we want nvram logging to work
['] .nvramlog-write-byte to nvramlog-write-byte
160 cp
u4? IF f8002100 rl@ 0= ELSE false THEN ?INCLUDE u4-mem.fs
u3? IF
planar-id 5 >= IF
40000 to nvram-size
\ change nvram-size to 8000 for GA1 blades
8000 to nvram-size
takeover? IF
\ potentially comming from phype
u4? IF
\ takeover on JS21 is using some nvram area
\ which might be available
\ on JS20 the nvram is too small and
\ we just overwrite the nvram
sec-nvram-base to nvram-base
sec-nvram-size to nvram-size
\ in takeover mode the nvram is probably not mapped
\ to the exact location where the nvram starts
\ doing a small check to see if we have a partition
\ starting with 70; this test is far from perfect but
\ takeover is not the most common mode of running slof
nvram-base rb@ 70 <> IF 0 nvram-base rb! THEN
200 cp
#include <slof-logo.fs>
#include <banner.fs>
: .banner .slof-logo .banner ;
\ Get the secondary CPUs into our own spinloop.
f8000050 rl@ CONSTANT master-cpu
\ cr .( The master cpu is #) master-cpu .
VARIABLE cpu-mask
: get-slave ( n -- online? )
0 3ff8 ! 18 lshift 30000000 or 48003f02 over l! icbi 10000 0 DO LOOP 3ff8 @ ;
: mark-online ( n -- ) 1 swap lshift cpu-mask @ or cpu-mask ! ;
: get-slaves 40 0 DO i get-slave IF i mark-online THEN LOOP ;
: cpu-report ( -- )
cpu-mask @ 40 0 DO dup 1 and IF ." #" i . THEN 1 rshift LOOP drop
220 cp
master-cpu mark-online get-slaves
DEFER disable-watchdog ( -- )
DEFER find-boot-sector ( -- )
240 cp
\ Timebase frequency, in Hz.
\ -1 VALUE tb-frequency
d# 14318378 VALUE tb-frequency \ default value - needed for "ms" to work
-1 VALUE cpu-frequency
#include "helper.fs"
260 cp
#include <timebase.fs>
270 cp
#include <fcode/evaluator.fs>
280 cp
\ rtas-config is not used
0 CONSTANT rtas-config
#include "rtas.fs"
290 cp
s" update_flash.fs" included
2a0 cp
cpu-mask @ rtas-fetch-cpus drop
: of-start-cpu rtas-start-cpu ;
' power-off to halt
' rtas-system-reboot to reboot
: other-firmware rtas-get-flashside 0= IF 1 ELSE 0 THEN rtas-set-flashside reboot ;
: disable-boot-watchdog rtas-stop-bootwatchdog drop ;
' disable-boot-watchdog to disable-watchdog
true value bmc?
false value debug-boot?
\ for JS21/Bimini try to detect BMC... if kcs (io @ca8) status is not ff...
u4? IF ca8 4 + io-c@ ff = IF false to bmc? true to debug-boot? THEN THEN
VARIABLE memnode
\ Hook to help loading our secondary boot loader.
DEFER disk-read ( lba cnt addr -- )
0 VALUE disk-off
create vpd-cb 24 allot
create vpd-bootlist 4 allot
2c0 cp
#include "ipmi-vpd.fs"
2e0 cp
#include <quiesce.fs>
300 cp
#include <usb/usb-static.fs>
320 cp
#include <scsi-loader.fs>
#include <root.fs>
360 cp
#include "tree.fs"
: .system-information ( -- )
s" " type cr
s" Processor = " type s" cpu" get-chosen IF
drop l@ >r pvr@ s" pvr>name" r> $call-method type
s" @ " type cpu-frequency d# 1000000 /
decimal . hex s" MHz" type
THEN cr s" I/O Bridge = " type u3? IF
s" U3" ELSE s" U4" THEN type
f8000000 rl@ 4 rshift s" (" type 1 0.r s" ." type
f8000000 rl@ f and 1 0.r s" )" type cr
s" SMP Size = " type cpu-mask @ cnt-bits 1 0.r
s" (" type cpu-report 8 emit s" )" type
cr s" Boot-Date = " type .date cr
s" Memory = " type s" memory" get-chosen IF
drop l@ s" mem-report" rot $call-method THEN
cr s" Board Type = " type u3? IF
s" JS20(GA" type planar-id 5 >= IF
s" 2)" ELSE s" 1)" THEN type
ELSE bimini? IF s" Bimini" ELSE s" JS21" THEN type THEN
s" (" type .vpd-machine-type [char] / emit
.vpd-machine-serial [char] / emit
.vpd-hw-revision 8 emit s" )" type cr
s" MFG Date = " type .vpd-manufacturer-date cr
s" Part No. = " type .vpd-part-number cr
s" FRU No. = " type .vpd-fru-number cr
s" FRU Serial = " type .vpd-cardprefix-serial .vpd-card-serial cr
s" UUID = " type .vpd-uuid cr
s" Flashside = " type rtas-get-flashside 0= IF
." 0 (permanent)"
." 1 (temporary)" THEN cr
s" Version = " type
takeover? IF
romfs-base 38 + a type
slof-build-id here swap rmove
here slof-build-id nip type cr
s" Build Date = " type bdate2human type
cr cr
800 cp
#include "nvram.fs"
takeover? not u4? and IF
\ if were are not in takeover mode the nvram should look
\ something like this:
\ type size name
\ ========================
\ 51 20000 ibm,CPU0log
\ 51 5000 ibm,CPU1log
\ 70 1000 common
\ 7f da000 <free-space>
\ the partition with the type 51 should have been added
\ by LLFW... if it does not exist then something went
\ wrong and we just destroy the whole thing
51 get-nvram-partition IF 0 0 nvram-c! ELSE 2drop THEN
880 cp
\ dmesg/dmesg2 not available if running in takeover/ram mode or on js20
: dmesg ( -- ) u3? takeover? or 0= IF dmesg THEN ;
: dmesg2 ( -- ) u3? takeover? or 0= IF dmesg2 THEN ;
#include "envvar.fs"
8a0 cp
\ The client interface.
#include "client.fs"
\ ELF binary file format.
#include "elf.fs"
#include <loaders.fs>
8a8 cp
\ check wether a VGA device was found during pci scan, if it was
\ try to initialize it and create the needed device-nodes
0 value biosemu-vmem
100000 value biosemu-vmem-size
0 value screen-info
: init-vga-devices ( -- )
vga-device-node? 0= use-biosemu? 0= OR IF
s" VGA Device found: " type vga-device-node? node>path type s" initializing..." type cr
\ claim virtual memory for biosemu of 1MB
biosemu-vmem-size 4 claim to biosemu-vmem
\ claim memory for screen-info struct (140 bytes)
d# 140 4 claim to screen-info
\ remember current-node (it might be node 0 so we cannot use get-node)
current-node @
\ change into vga device node
vga-device-node? set-node
\ run biosemu to initialize the vga card
\ s" Time before biosemu:" type .date cr
vga-device-node? node>path ( pathstr len )
s" biosemu " biosemu-vmem $cathex ( pathstr len paramstr len )
20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len )
biosemu-vmem-size $cathex \ add VMEM Size ( pathstr len paramstr len )
20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len )
2swap $cat ( paramstr+path len )
biosemu-debug 0<> IF
20 char-cat biosemu-debug $cathex \ add biosemu-debug as param
( paramstr+path+biosemu-debug len )
.(client-exec) IF
." biosemu client exec failed!" cr
set-node \ restore old current-node
\ s" Time after biosemu:" type .date cr
s" VGA initialization: detecting displays..." type cr
\ try to get info for two monitors
2 0 DO
\ setup screen-info struct as input to get_vbe_info
s" DDC" 0 char-cat screen-info swap move \ null-terminated "DDC" as signature
d# 140 screen-info 4 + w! \ reserved size in bytes (see claim above)
i screen-info 6 + c! \ monitor number
\ 320 screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width (800)
500 screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width (1280)
\ following line would be the right thing to do, however environment seems not setup yet...
\ screen-#columns char-width * 500 min 280 max screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width, calculated from environment variable screen-#columns, but max. 1280, min. 640...
8 screen-info 9 + c! \ requested color depth (8bpp)
\ d# 16 screen-info 9 + c! \ requested color depth (16bpp)
\ execute get_vbe_info from load-base
\ s" Time before client exec:" type .date cr
\ since node>path overwrites strings created with s"
\ we need to call it before assembling the parameter string
vga-device-node? node>path ( pathstr len )
s" get_vbe_info " biosemu-vmem $cathex ( pathstr len paramstr len )
20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len )
biosemu-vmem-size $cathex \ add VMEM Size ( pathstr len paramstr len )
20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len )
2swap $cat ( paramstr+path len )
20 char-cat
screen-info $cathex
.(client-exec) 0=
\ s" Time after client exec:" type .date cr
screen-info c@ 0<> AND IF
s" display " type i . s" found..." type
\ screen found
\ create device entry
get-node node>name \ get current nodes name (e.g. "vga") ( str len )
i \ put display-num on the stack ( str len displaynum )
new-device \ create new device
s" vga-display.fs" included
s" created." type cr
\ return to where we were before changing to vga device node
\ release the claimed memory
screen-info d# 140 release
biosemu-vmem biosemu-vmem-size release
s" VGA initialization done." type cr
: enable-framebuffer-output ( -- )
\ enable output on framebuffer
s" screen" find-alias ?dup IF
\ we need to open/close the screen device once
\ before "ticking" display-emit to emit
open-dev close-node
s" display-emit" $find IF
to emit
8b0 cp
\ do not let the usb scan overwrite the atapi cdrom alias
pci-cdrom-num TO cdrom-alias-num
: create-aliases ( -- )
s" net" s" net1" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN
s" disk" s" disk0" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN
s" cdrom" s" cdrom0" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN
8ff cp
: directserial
u3? IF
s" /ht/isa/serial@3f8" io
s" direct-serial?" evaluate IF s" /ht/isa/serial@2f8" io ELSE s" /ht/isa/serial@3f8" io THEN
\ on bimini we want to automatically enable screen and keyboard, if they are detected...
bimini? IF
key? IF
cr ." input available on current console input device, not switching input / output." cr
\ this enables the framebuffer as primary output device
s" screen" find-alias IF drop
s" screen" output
\ at this point serial output is theoretically disabled
." screen detected and set as default output device" cr
\ enable USB keyboard
s" keyboard" find-alias IF drop
s" keyboard" input
\ at this point serial input is disabled
." keyboard detected and set as default input device" cr cr cr
s" Press 's' to enter Open Firmware." type cr
500 ms
: .flashside
cr ." The currently active flashside is: "
rtas-get-flashside 0= IF ." 0 (permanent)" ELSE
." 1 (temporary)" THEN
bmc? IF disable-watchdog THEN
: flashsave ( "{filename}" -- rc )
(parse-line) dup 0> IF
s" netsave " \ command
get-flash-base $cathex \ Flash base addr
s" 400000 " $cat \ Flash size (4MB)
2swap $cat \ add parameters from (parse-line)
." Usage: flashsave [bootp|dhcp,]filename[,siaddr][,ciaddr][,giaddr][,bootp-retries][,tftp-retries][,use_ci]"
cr 2drop
#include <vpd-bootlist.fs>
\ for the blades we read the bootlist from the VPD
bimini? takeover? or 0= IF ['] vpd-boot-import to read-bootlist THEN
\ for the bimini, we try to boot from disk, if it exists,
\ only if "boot-device" is not set in the nvram
: bimini-bootlist
\ check nvram
s" boot-device" evaluate swap drop ( boot-device-strlen )
0= IF
\ no boot-device set in NVRAM, check if disk is available and set it...
\ clear boot-device list
0 0 set-boot-device
s" disk" find-alias ?dup IF
\ alias found, use it as default
bimini? IF ['] bimini-bootlist to read-bootlist THEN
#include <start-up.fs>
#include <boot.fs>
cr .( Welcome to Open Firmware)
#include "copyright-oss.fs"
\ this CATCH is to ensure the code bellow always executes: boot may ABORT!
' start-it CATCH drop
#include <history.fs>
nvram-history? [IF]
." loading shell history .. "
." done" cr