blob: 3acca2f11329799147548b84044a76bb887524db [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Copyright 2002,2003,2004 Segher Boessenkool <>
\ stuff we should already have:
: linked ( var -- ) here over @ , swap ! ;
\ \ \
\ \ \ Wordlists
\ \ \
VARIABLE wordlists forth-wordlist wordlists !
\ create a new wordlist
: wordlist ( -- wid ) here wordlists linked 0 , ;
\ \ \
\ \ \ Search order
\ \ \
10 CONSTANT max-in-search-order \ should define elsewhere
\ CREATE search-order max-in-search-order cells allot \ stack of wids \ is in engine now
\ search-order VALUE context \ top of stack \ is in engine now
: also ( -- ) clean-hash context dup cell+ dup to context >r @ r> ! ;
: previous ( -- ) clean-hash context cell- to context ;
: only ( -- ) clean-hash search-order to context ( minimal-wordlist search-order ! ) ;
: seal ( -- ) clean-hash context @ search-order dup to context ! ;
: get-order ( -- wid_n .. wid_1 n )
context >r search-order BEGIN dup r@ u<= WHILE
dup @ swap cell+ REPEAT r> drop
search-order - cell / ;
: set-order ( wid_n .. wid_1 n -- ) \ XXX: special cases for 0, -1
clean-hash 1- cells search-order + dup to context
BEGIN dup search-order u>= WHILE
dup >r ! r> cell- REPEAT drop ;
\ \ \
\ \ \ Compilation wordlist
\ \ \
: get-current ( -- wid ) current ;
: set-current ( wid -- ) to current ;
: definitions ( -- ) context @ set-current ;
\ \ \
\ \ \ Vocabularies
\ \ \
: VOCABULARY ( C: "name" -- ) ( -- ) CREATE wordlist drop DOES> clean-hash context ! ;
\ : VOCABULARY ( C: "name" -- ) ( -- ) wordlist CREATE , DOES> @ context ! ;
\ XXX we'd like to swap forth and forth-wordlist around (for .voc 's sake)
: FORTH ( -- ) clean-hash forth-wordlist context ! ;
: .voc ( wid -- ) \ display name for wid \ needs work ( body> or something like that )
dup cell- @ ['] vocabulary ['] forth within IF
2 cells - >name name>string type ELSE u. THEN space ;
: vocs ( -- ) \ display all wordlist names
cr wordlists BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup .voc REPEAT drop ;
: order ( -- )
cr ." context: " get-order 0 ?DO .voc LOOP
cr ." current: " get-current .voc ;
\ some handy helper
: voc-find ( wid -- 0 | link )
clean-hash cell+ @ (find) clean-hash ;