blob: 582bedeb3faa4f76b6bc9f65ca755e7058b3afd4 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Global Data
0 VALUE line#
0 VALUE column#
false VALUE inverse?
false VALUE inverse-screen?
18 VALUE #lines
50 VALUE #columns
false VALUE cursor
false VALUE saved-cursor
\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Structure/Implementation Dependent Methods
defer draw-character \ 2B inited by display driver
defer reset-screen \ 2B inited by display driver
defer toggle-cursor \ 2B inited by display driver
defer erase-screen \ 2B inited by display driver
defer blink-screen \ 2B inited by display driver
defer invert-screen \ 2B inited by display driver
defer insert-characters \ 2B inited by display driver
defer delete-characters \ 2B inited by display driver
defer insert-lines \ 2B inited by display driver
defer delete-lines \ 2B inited by display driver
defer draw-logo \ 2B inited by display driver
: nop-toggle-cursor ( nop ) ;
' nop-toggle-cursor to toggle-cursor
\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Implementation Independent Methods (Depend on Previous)
\ *
\ *
: (cursor-off) ( -- ) cursor dup to saved-cursor
IF toggle-cursor false to cursor THEN ;
: (cursor-on) ( -- ) cursor dup to saved-cursor
0= IF toggle-cursor true to cursor THEN ;
: restore-cursor ( -- ) saved-cursor dup cursor
<> IF toggle-cursor to cursor ELSE drop THEN ;
' (cursor-off) to cursor-off
' (cursor-on) to cursor-on
\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exported Interface:
\ *
\ Generic device methods:
\ *
\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exported Interface:
\ *
\ *
false VALUE esc-on
false VALUE csi-on
defer esc-process
0 VALUE esc-num-parm
0 VALUE esc-num-parm2
0 VALUE saved-line#
0 VALUE saved-column#
: get-esc-parm ( default -- value )
esc-num-parm dup 0> IF nip ELSE drop THEN 0 to esc-num-parm ;
: get-esc-parm2 ( default -- value )
esc-num-parm2 dup 0> IF nip ELSE drop THEN 0 to esc-num-parm2 ;
: set-esc-parm ( newdigit -- ) [char] 0 - esc-num-parm a * + to esc-num-parm ;
: reverse-cursor ( oldpos -- newpos) dup IF 1 get-esc-parm - THEN ;
: advance-cursor ( bound oldpos -- newpos) tuck > IF 1 get-esc-parm + THEN ;
: erase-in-line #columns column# - dup 0> IF delete-characters ELSE drop THEN ;
: terminal-line++ ( -- )
line# 1+ dup #lines = IF 1- 0 to line# 1 delete-lines THEN
to line#
0 VALUE dang
0 VALUE blipp
false VALUE stopcsi
0 VALUE term-background
7 VALUE term-foreground
: set-term-color
dup d# 30 d# 39 between IF dup d# 30 - to term-foreground THEN
dup d# 40 d# 49 between IF dup d# 40 - to term-background THEN
0 = IF
0 to term-background
7 to term-foreground
term-foreground term-background <= to inverse?
: ansi-esc ( char -- )
csi-on IF
dup [char] 0 [char] 9 between IF set-esc-parm
ELSE true to stopcsi CASE
[char] A OF line# reverse-cursor to line# ENDOF
[char] B OF #lines line# advance-cursor to line# ENDOF
[char] C OF #columns column# advance-cursor to column# ENDOF
[char] D OF column# reverse-cursor to column# ENDOF
[char] E OF ( FIXME: Cursor Next Line - No idea what does it mean )
#lines line# advance-cursor to line#
[char] f OF
1 get-esc-parm2 to line# column# get-esc-parm to column#
[char] H OF
1 get-esc-parm2 to line# column# get-esc-parm to column#
( second parameter delimiter for f and H commands )
[char] ; OF false to stopcsi 0 get-esc-parm to esc-num-parm2 ENDOF
[char] ? OF false to stopcsi ENDOF ( FIXME: Ignore that for now )
[char] l OF ENDOF ( FIXME: ?25l should hide cursor )
[char] h OF ENDOF ( FIXME: ?25h should show cursor )
[char] J OF
#lines line# - dup 0> IF
line# 1+ to line# delete-lines line# 1- to line#
[char] K OF erase-in-line ENDOF
[char] L OF 1 get-esc-parm insert-lines ENDOF
[char] M OF 1 get-esc-parm delete-lines ENDOF
[char] @ OF 1 get-esc-parm insert-characters ENDOF
[char] P OF 1 get-esc-parm delete-characters ENDOF
[char] m OF 0 get-esc-parm set-term-color ENDOF
( These are non-ANSI commands recommended by OpenBoot )
[char] p OF inverse-screen? IF false to inverse-screen?
inverse? 0= to inverse? invert-screen
[char] q OF inverse-screen? 0= IF true to inverse-screen?
inverse? 0= to inverse? invert-screen
\ [char] s OF reset-screen ENDOF ( FIXME: this conflicts w. ANSI )
\ [char] s OF line# to saved-line# column# to saved-column# ENDOF
[char] u OF saved-line# to line# saved-column# to column# ENDOF
dup dup to dang OF blink-screen ENDOF
ENDCASE stopcsi IF false to csi-on
false to esc-on 0 to esc-num-parm 0 to esc-num-parm2 THEN
( DEV VT compatibility stuff used by accept.fs )
[char] 7 OF line# to saved-line# column# to saved-column# ENDOF
[char] 8 OF saved-line# to line# saved-column# to column# ENDOF
[char] [ OF true to csi-on ENDOF
dup dup OF false to esc-on to blipp ENDOF
csi-on 0= IF false to esc-on THEN 0 to esc-num-parm 0 to esc-num-parm2
' ansi-esc to esc-process
CREATE twtracebuf 4000 allot twtracebuf 4000 erase
twtracebuf VALUE twbp
0 VALUE twbc
: twtrace
twbc 4000 = IF 0 to twbc twtracebuf to twbp THEN
dup twbp c! twbp 1+ to twbp twbc 1+ to twbc
: terminal-write ( addr len -- actual-len )
tuck bounds ?DO i c@
esc-on IF esc-process
1B OF true to esc-on ENDOF
carret OF 0 to column# ENDOF
linefeed OF terminal-line++ ENDOF
bell OF blink-screen ENDOF
9 ( TAB ) OF column# 7 + -8 and dup #columns < IF
to column#
B ( VT ) OF line# ?dup IF 1- to line# THEN ENDOF
C ( FF ) OF 0 to line# 0 to column# erase-screen ENDOF
bs OF column# 1- dup 0< IF
line# IF
line# 1- to line#
drop #columns 1-
ELSE drop column#
to column# ( bl draw-character )
dup OF
i c@ draw-character
column# 1+ dup #columns >= IF
drop 0 terminal-line++
to column#