SBE: Rate limit timer requests

[ Upstream commit 2e654443050acdd4deffdbb44723a847ca11e6b2 ]

We schedule timer and wait for `timer expiry` interrupt from SBE.
If we get new timer request which is lesser than inflight timer
expiry value we can update timer (essentially sending new timer chip-op
and SBE takes care of stoping inflight timer and scheduling new one).

SBE runs at much slower speed than host CPU. If we do continuous timer
update like below then SBE will be busy with handling PSU side timer
message and will not get time to handle FIFO side requests.
  send timer chip-op -> Got ACK -> send timer chip-op

Hence this patch limits number of continuous timer update and we will
restart sending timer request as soon as we get timer expiry interrupt.

Rate limit value (2) is suggested by SBE team.

With this patch:
  If our timer requests are : 2ms, 1500us, 1000us and 800us
    (and requests are coming after sending each message)
  We will schedule timer for 2ms and then update timer for 1500us and 1000us
    (These update happens after getting ACK interrupt from SBE)
  We will not send 800us request.
  At 1000us we get `timer expiry` and we are good to send next timer requests
     (At this stage both 1000us and 800us timeout happens. We will schedule
      next timer request with timeout value 500us (1500-1000)).

Signed-off-by: Vasant Hegde <>
Signed-off-by: Frederic Barrat <>
1 file changed
tree: 72b7d3e4d753e50a1a467fc03b69226219209e09
  1. asm/
  2. ccan/
  3. core/
  4. doc/
  5. external/
  6. hdata/
  7. hw/
  8. include/
  9. libc/
  10. libfdt/
  11. libflash/
  12. libpore/
  13. libstb/
  14. libxz/
  15. opal-ci/
  16. platforms/
  17. test/
  18. .gitignore
  19. .travis.yml
  21. coverity-model.c
  22. extract-gcov.c
  26. Makefile
  27. Makefile.main
  28. Makefile.rules
  31. skiboot.spec


Firmware for OpenPower systems.


Mailing list:





OPAL firmware (OpenPower Abstraction Layer) comes in several parts.

A simplified flow of what happens when the power button is pressed is:

  1. The baseboard management controller (BMC) powers the system on.
  2. The BMC selects the master chip and releases the self-boot engines (SBEs) on the POWER8 chips, master last.
  3. The BMC relinquishes control of the flexible service interface (FSI) SCAN/SCOM engines.
  4. The hostboot firmware IPLs the system. It initiates a secondary power-on sequence through a digital power systems sweep (DPSS).
  5. The hostboot firmware loads the OPAL image and moves all processors to their execution starting points.

Here, the OPAL image is three parts:

  1. skiboot (includes OPAL runtime services)
  2. skiroot - the bootloader environment
    • kernel
    • initramfs (containing petitboot bootloader)

They may be all part of one payload or three separate images (depending on platform).

The bootloader will kexec a host kernel (probably linux). The host OS can make OPAL calls. The OPAL API is documented in doc/opal-api/ (there are missing parts, patches are welcome!)

See doc/overview.rst for a more in depth overview of skiboot.


Any host OS can build and test skiboot provided it has a C cross compiler for big endian powerpc64. All good Linux distributions (and several bad ones) provide a packaged compiler that can be installed through the usual package management tools.

To build on Ubuntu:

apt-get install gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu gcc valgrind \
	expect libssl-dev device-tree-compiler make \
CROSS=powerpc64le-linux-gnu- make -j`nproc`

To build on Fedora:

dnf install gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu binutils-powerpc64-linux-gnu gcc make \
    diffutils findutils expect valgrind-devel dtc openssl-devel xz
CROSS=powerpc64le-linux-gnu- make -j`nproc`

(The little-endian powerpc64le compilers in Ubuntu and Fedora are actually bi-endian and can compile skiboot even though it's big-endian. We recommend installing a little-endian toolchain if you plan on building other projects.)

On any POWER system with a bi-endian system compiler:

CROSS="" make -j`nproc`

Alternatively, pre-built cross compilers for x86 systems can be downloaded from here: When using these compilers add /opt/cross/gcc-4.8.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/ to your PATH. Once this is done skiboot can be compiler by just running make


Skiboot comes with a set of unit tests that can be run on your desktop. They can can be run with:

make check

To test in a simulator, install the IBM POWER8 Functional Simulator from: Also see external/mambo/

Qemu (as of 2.2.0) is not suitable as it does not (yet) implement the HyperVisor mode of the POWER8 processor. See for instructions on how to use a work-in-progress patchset to qemu that may be suitable for some work.

To run a boot-to-bootloader test, you'll need a zImage.papr built using the mambo_defconfig config for op-build. See on howto build. Drop zImage.epapr in the skiboot directory and the skiboot test suite will automatically pick it up.

See opal-ci/README for further testing instructions.

To test on real hardware, you will need to understand how to flash new skiboot onto your system. This will vary from platform to platform.

You may want to start with external/boot-tests/ as it can (provided the correct usernames/passwords) automatically flash a new skiboot onto ASTBMC based OpenPower machines.


All patches should be sent to the mailing list with linux-kernel style ‘Signed-Off-By’. The following git commands are your friends:

git commit -s
git format-patch

You probably want to read the linux as much of it applies to skiboot.

Output files

The Skiboot build process produces a bunch of different outputs. This is what they are, and where you should use them:

skiboot.elf: The output of the linker. Don't flash to a system, but useful when debugging

skiboot.lid: The raw binary object, named .lid because IBM. Flash this on really old P8 systems, the POWER Functional Simulator (mambo), or FSP systems

skiboot.lid.stb: Lid wrapped with secure boot header. Use on FSP systems

skiboot.lid.xz: Compressed raw binary. Use this on a OpenPower P8

skiboot.lid.xz.stb: Compressed raw binary wrapped with a secure boot header. Use this on OpenPower P9 systems
