serial: add windows inf file for the pci card to docs

Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Signed-off-by: Anthony Liguori <>
diff --git a/docs/qemupciserial.inf b/docs/qemupciserial.inf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3474310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/qemupciserial.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+; qemupciserial.inf for QEMU, based on MSPORTS.INF
+; The driver itself is shipped with Windows (serial.sys).  This is
+; just a inf file to tell windows which pci id the serial pci card
+; emulated by qemu has, and to apply a name tag to it which windows
+; will show in the device manager.
+; Installing the driver: Go to device manager.  You should find a "pci
+; serial card" tagged with a yellow question mark.  Open properties.
+; Pick "update driver".  Then "select driver manually".  Pick "Ports
+; (Com+Lpt)" from the list.  Click "Have a disk".  Select this file.
+; Procedure may vary a bit depending on the windows version.
+; FIXME: This file covers the single port version only.
+3426=windows cd
+serial.sys 		= 3426
+serenum.sys 		= 3426
+DefaultDestDir  = 11        ;LDID_SYS
+ComPort.NT.Copy = 12        ;DIRID_DRIVERS
+SerialEnumerator.NT.Copy=12 ;DIRID_DRIVERS
+; Drivers
+%QEMU-PCI_SERIAL.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, "PCI\VEN_1b36&DEV_0002&CC_0700"
+; COM sections
+AddReg=ComPort.AddReg, ComPort.NT.AddReg
+SyssetupPnPFlags = 1
+;-------------- Service installation
+; Port Driver (function driver for this device)
+AddService = Serial, 0x00000002, Serial_Service_Inst, Serial_EventLog_Inst
+AddService = Serenum,,Serenum_Service_Inst
+; -------------- Serial Port Driver install sections
+DisplayName    = %Serial.SVCDESC%
+ServiceType    = 1               ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
+StartType      = 1               ; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START (this driver may do detection)
+ErrorControl   = 0               ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
+ServiceBinary  = %12%\serial.sys
+LoadOrderGroup = Extended base
+; -------------- Serenum Driver install section
+DisplayName    = %Serenum.SVCDESC%
+ServiceType    = 1               ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
+StartType      = 3               ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
+ErrorControl   = 1               ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
+ServiceBinary  = %12%\serenum.sys
+LoadOrderGroup = PNP Filter
+AddReg = Serial_EventLog_AddReg
+; The following sections are COM port resource configs.
+; Section name format means:
+; Char 1 = c (COM port)
+; Char 2 = I/O config: 1 (3f8), 2 (2f8), 3 (3e8), 4 (2e8), a (any)
+; Char 3 = IRQ config: #, a (any)
+[caa]                   ; Any base, any IRQ
+QEMU-PCI_SERIAL.DeviceDesc="QEMU Serial PCI Card"
+Serial.SVCDESC   = "Serial port driver"
+Serenum.SVCDESC = "Serenum Filter Driver"