hw/intc/arm_gicv3: Implement functions to identify next pending irq

Implement the GICv3 logic to recalculate the highest priority pending
interrupt for each CPU after some part of the GIC state has changed.
We avoid unnecessary full recalculation where possible.

Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Shannon Zhao <shannon.zhao@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Shannon Zhao <shannon.zhao@linaro.org>
Message-id: 1465915112-29272-11-git-send-email-peter.maydell@linaro.org
diff --git a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3.c b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3.c
index 96e0d2f..171d587 100644
--- a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3.c
+++ b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3.c
@@ -21,6 +21,287 @@
 #include "hw/intc/arm_gicv3.h"
 #include "gicv3_internal.h"
+static bool irqbetter(GICv3CPUState *cs, int irq, uint8_t prio)
+    /* Return true if this IRQ at this priority should take
+     * precedence over the current recorded highest priority
+     * pending interrupt for this CPU. We also return true if
+     * the current recorded highest priority pending interrupt
+     * is the same as this one (a property which the calling code
+     * relies on).
+     */
+    if (prio < cs->hppi.prio) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /* If multiple pending interrupts have the same priority then it is an
+     * IMPDEF choice which of them to signal to the CPU. We choose to
+     * signal the one with the lowest interrupt number.
+     */
+    if (prio == cs->hppi.prio && irq <= cs->hppi.irq) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+static uint32_t gicd_int_pending(GICv3State *s, int irq)
+    /* Recalculate which distributor interrupts are actually pending
+     * in the group of 32 interrupts starting at irq (which should be a multiple
+     * of 32), and return a 32-bit integer which has a bit set for each
+     * interrupt that is eligible to be signaled to the CPU interface.
+     *
+     * An interrupt is pending if:
+     *  + the PENDING latch is set OR it is level triggered and the input is 1
+     *  + its ENABLE bit is set
+     *  + the GICD enable bit for its group is set
+     * Conveniently we can bulk-calculate this with bitwise operations.
+     */
+    uint32_t pend, grpmask;
+    uint32_t pending = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->pending, irq);
+    uint32_t edge_trigger = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->edge_trigger, irq);
+    uint32_t level = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->level, irq);
+    uint32_t group = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->group, irq);
+    uint32_t grpmod = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->grpmod, irq);
+    uint32_t enable = *gic_bmp_ptr32(s->enabled, irq);
+    pend = pending | (~edge_trigger & level);
+    pend &= enable;
+    if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_DS) {
+        grpmod = 0;
+    }
+    grpmask = 0;
+    if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1NS) {
+        grpmask |= group;
+    }
+    if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1S) {
+        grpmask |= (~group & grpmod);
+    }
+    if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP0) {
+        grpmask |= (~group & ~grpmod);
+    }
+    pend &= grpmask;
+    return pend;
+static uint32_t gicr_int_pending(GICv3CPUState *cs)
+    /* Recalculate which redistributor interrupts are actually pending,
+     * and return a 32-bit integer which has a bit set for each interrupt
+     * that is eligible to be signaled to the CPU interface.
+     *
+     * An interrupt is pending if:
+     *  + the PENDING latch is set OR it is level triggered and the input is 1
+     *  + its ENABLE bit is set
+     *  + the GICD enable bit for its group is set
+     * Conveniently we can bulk-calculate this with bitwise operations.
+     */
+    uint32_t pend, grpmask, grpmod;
+    pend = cs->gicr_ipendr0 | (~cs->edge_trigger & cs->level);
+    pend &= cs->gicr_ienabler0;
+    if (cs->gic->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_DS) {
+        grpmod = 0;
+    } else {
+        grpmod = cs->gicr_igrpmodr0;
+    }
+    grpmask = 0;
+    if (cs->gic->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1NS) {
+        grpmask |= cs->gicr_igroupr0;
+    }
+    if (cs->gic->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1S) {
+        grpmask |= (~cs->gicr_igroupr0 & grpmod);
+    }
+    if (cs->gic->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP0) {
+        grpmask |= (~cs->gicr_igroupr0 & ~grpmod);
+    }
+    pend &= grpmask;
+    return pend;
+/* Update the interrupt status after state in a redistributor
+ * or CPU interface has changed, but don't tell the CPU i/f.
+ */
+static void gicv3_redist_update_noirqset(GICv3CPUState *cs)
+    /* Find the highest priority pending interrupt among the
+     * redistributor interrupts (SGIs and PPIs).
+     */
+    bool seenbetter = false;
+    uint8_t prio;
+    int i;
+    uint32_t pend;
+    /* Find out which redistributor interrupts are eligible to be
+     * signaled to the CPU interface.
+     */
+    pend = gicr_int_pending(cs);
+    if (pend) {
+        for (i = 0; i < GIC_INTERNAL; i++) {
+            if (!(pend & (1 << i))) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            prio = cs->gicr_ipriorityr[i];
+            if (irqbetter(cs, i, prio)) {
+                cs->hppi.irq = i;
+                cs->hppi.prio = prio;
+                seenbetter = true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (seenbetter) {
+        cs->hppi.grp = gicv3_irq_group(cs->gic, cs, cs->hppi.irq);
+    }
+    /* If the best interrupt we just found would preempt whatever
+     * was the previous best interrupt before this update, then
+     * we know it's definitely the best one now.
+     * If we didn't find an interrupt that would preempt the previous
+     * best, and the previous best is outside our range (or there was no
+     * previous pending interrupt at all), then that is still valid, and
+     * we leave it as the best.
+     * Otherwise, we need to do a full update (because the previous best
+     * interrupt has reduced in priority and any other interrupt could
+     * now be the new best one).
+     */
+    if (!seenbetter && cs->hppi.prio != 0xff && cs->hppi.irq < GIC_INTERNAL) {
+        gicv3_full_update_noirqset(cs->gic);
+    }
+/* Update the GIC status after state in a redistributor or
+ * CPU interface has changed, and inform the CPU i/f of
+ * its new highest priority pending interrupt.
+ */
+void gicv3_redist_update(GICv3CPUState *cs)
+    gicv3_redist_update_noirqset(cs);
+    gicv3_cpuif_update(cs);
+/* Update the GIC status after state in the distributor has
+ * changed affecting @len interrupts starting at @start,
+ * but don't tell the CPU i/f.
+ */
+static void gicv3_update_noirqset(GICv3State *s, int start, int len)
+    int i;
+    uint8_t prio;
+    uint32_t pend = 0;
+    assert(start >= GIC_INTERNAL);
+    assert(len > 0);
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        s->cpu[i].seenbetter = false;
+    }
+    /* Find the highest priority pending interrupt in this range. */
+    for (i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
+        GICv3CPUState *cs;
+        if (i == start || (i & 0x1f) == 0) {
+            /* Calculate the next 32 bits worth of pending status */
+            pend = gicd_int_pending(s, i & ~0x1f);
+        }
+        if (!(pend & (1 << (i & 0x1f)))) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        cs = s->gicd_irouter_target[i];
+        if (!cs) {
+            /* Interrupts targeting no implemented CPU should remain pending
+             * and not be forwarded to any CPU.
+             */
+            continue;
+        }
+        prio = s->gicd_ipriority[i];
+        if (irqbetter(cs, i, prio)) {
+            cs->hppi.irq = i;
+            cs->hppi.prio = prio;
+            cs->seenbetter = true;
+        }
+    }
+    /* If the best interrupt we just found would preempt whatever
+     * was the previous best interrupt before this update, then
+     * we know it's definitely the best one now.
+     * If we didn't find an interrupt that would preempt the previous
+     * best, and the previous best is outside our range (or there was
+     * no previous pending interrupt at all), then that
+     * is still valid, and we leave it as the best.
+     * Otherwise, we need to do a full update (because the previous best
+     * interrupt has reduced in priority and any other interrupt could
+     * now be the new best one).
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        GICv3CPUState *cs = &s->cpu[i];
+        if (cs->seenbetter) {
+            cs->hppi.grp = gicv3_irq_group(cs->gic, cs, cs->hppi.irq);
+        }
+        if (!cs->seenbetter && cs->hppi.prio != 0xff &&
+            cs->hppi.irq >= start && cs->hppi.irq < start + len) {
+            gicv3_full_update_noirqset(s);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void gicv3_update(GICv3State *s, int start, int len)
+    int i;
+    gicv3_update_noirqset(s, start, len);
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        gicv3_cpuif_update(&s->cpu[i]);
+    }
+void gicv3_full_update_noirqset(GICv3State *s)
+    /* Completely recalculate the GIC status from scratch, but
+     * don't update any outbound IRQ lines.
+     */
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        s->cpu[i].hppi.prio = 0xff;
+    }
+    /* Note that we can guarantee that these functions will not
+     * recursively call back into gicv3_full_update(), because
+     * at each point the "previous best" is always outside the
+     * range we ask them to update.
+     */
+    gicv3_update_noirqset(s, GIC_INTERNAL, s->num_irq - GIC_INTERNAL);
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        gicv3_redist_update_noirqset(&s->cpu[i]);
+    }
+void gicv3_full_update(GICv3State *s)
+    /* Completely recalculate the GIC status from scratch, including
+     * updating outbound IRQ lines.
+     */
+    int i;
+    gicv3_full_update_noirqset(s);
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        gicv3_cpuif_update(&s->cpu[i]);
+    }
 /* Process a change in an external IRQ input. */
 static void gicv3_set_irq(void *opaque, int irq, int level)
@@ -33,6 +314,16 @@
     /* Do nothing for now */
+static void arm_gicv3_post_load(GICv3State *s)
+    /* Recalculate our cached idea of the current highest priority
+     * pending interrupt, but don't set IRQ or FIQ lines.
+     */
+    gicv3_full_update_noirqset(s);
+    /* Repopulate the cache of GICv3CPUState pointers for target CPUs */
+    gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates(s);
 static void arm_gic_realize(DeviceState *dev, Error **errp)
     /* Device instance realize function for the GIC sysbus device */
@@ -52,8 +343,10 @@
 static void arm_gicv3_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data)
     DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS(klass);
+    ARMGICv3CommonClass *agcc = ARM_GICV3_COMMON_CLASS(klass);
     ARMGICv3Class *agc = ARM_GICV3_CLASS(klass);
+    agcc->post_load = arm_gicv3_post_load;
     agc->parent_realize = dc->realize;
     dc->realize = arm_gic_realize;
diff --git a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_common.c b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_common.c
index d1714e4..0f8c4b8 100644
--- a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_common.c
+++ b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_common.c
@@ -246,6 +246,8 @@
         cs->gicr_nsacr = 0;
         memset(cs->gicr_ipriorityr, 0, sizeof(cs->gicr_ipriorityr));
+        cs->hppi.prio = 0xff;
         /* State in the CPU interface must *not* be reset here, because it
          * is part of the CPU's reset domain, not the GIC device's.
@@ -271,6 +273,13 @@
     memset(s->gicd_ipriority, 0, sizeof(s->gicd_ipriority));
     memset(s->gicd_irouter, 0, sizeof(s->gicd_irouter));
     memset(s->gicd_nsacr, 0, sizeof(s->gicd_nsacr));
+    /* GICD_IROUTER are UNKNOWN at reset so in theory the guest must
+     * write these to get sane behaviour and we need not populate the
+     * pointer cache here; however having the cache be different for
+     * "happened to be 0 from reset" and "guest wrote 0" would be
+     * too confusing.
+     */
+    gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates(s);
     if (s->irq_reset_nonsecure) {
         /* If we're resetting a TZ-aware GIC as if secure firmware
diff --git a/hw/intc/gicv3_internal.h b/hw/intc/gicv3_internal.h
index 97c9d75..2ee9eeb 100644
--- a/hw/intc/gicv3_internal.h
+++ b/hw/intc/gicv3_internal.h
@@ -159,6 +159,63 @@
 #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_A3V (1U << 15)
 #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_NDS (1U << 17)
+/* Functions internal to the emulated GICv3 */
+ * gicv3_redist_update:
+ * @cs: GICv3CPUState for this redistributor
+ *
+ * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupt after a
+ * change to redistributor state, and inform the CPU accordingly.
+ */
+void gicv3_redist_update(GICv3CPUState *cs);
+ * gicv3_update:
+ * @s: GICv3State
+ * @start: first interrupt whose state changed
+ * @len: length of the range of interrupts whose state changed
+ *
+ * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupts after a
+ * change to the distributor state affecting @len interrupts
+ * starting at @start, and inform the CPUs accordingly.
+ */
+void gicv3_update(GICv3State *s, int start, int len);
+ * gicv3_full_update_noirqset:
+ * @s: GICv3State
+ *
+ * Recalculate the cached information about highest priority
+ * pending interrupts, but don't inform the CPUs. This should be
+ * called after an incoming migration has loaded new state.
+ */
+void gicv3_full_update_noirqset(GICv3State *s);
+ * gicv3_full_update:
+ * @s: GICv3State
+ *
+ * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupts after
+ * a change that could affect the status of all interrupts,
+ * and inform the CPUs accordingly.
+ */
+void gicv3_full_update(GICv3State *s);
+ * gicv3_cpuif_update:
+ * @cs: GICv3CPUState for the CPU to update
+ *
+ * Recalculate whether to assert the IRQ or FIQ lines after a change
+ * to the current highest priority pending interrupt, the CPU's
+ * current running priority or the CPU's current exception level or
+ * security state.
+ */
+static inline void gicv3_cpuif_update(GICv3CPUState *cs)
+    /* This will be implemented in a later commit. */
 static inline uint32_t gicv3_iidr(void)
     /* Return the Implementer Identification Register value
@@ -184,6 +241,32 @@
+ * gicv3_irq_group:
+ *
+ * Return the group which this interrupt is configured as (GICV3_G0,
+ * GICV3_G1 or GICV3_G1NS).
+ */
+static inline int gicv3_irq_group(GICv3State *s, GICv3CPUState *cs, int irq)
+    bool grpbit, grpmodbit;
+    if (irq < GIC_INTERNAL) {
+        grpbit = extract32(cs->gicr_igroupr0, irq, 1);
+        grpmodbit = extract32(cs->gicr_igrpmodr0, irq, 1);
+    } else {
+        grpbit = gicv3_gicd_group_test(s, irq);
+        grpmodbit = gicv3_gicd_grpmod_test(s, irq);
+    }
+    if (grpbit) {
+        return GICV3_G1NS;
+    }
+    if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_DS) {
+        return GICV3_G0;
+    }
+    return grpmodbit ? GICV3_G1 : GICV3_G0;
  * gicv3_redist_affid:
  * Return the 32-bit affinity ID of the CPU connected to this redistributor
@@ -193,4 +276,42 @@
     return cs->gicr_typer >> 32;
+ * gicv3_cache_target_cpustate:
+ *
+ * Update the cached CPU state corresponding to the target for this interrupt
+ * (which is kept in s->gicd_irouter_target[]).
+ */
+static inline void gicv3_cache_target_cpustate(GICv3State *s, int irq)
+    GICv3CPUState *cs = NULL;
+    int i;
+    uint32_t tgtaff = extract64(s->gicd_irouter[irq], 0, 24) |
+        extract64(s->gicd_irouter[irq], 32, 8) << 24;
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) {
+        if (s->cpu[i].gicr_typer >> 32 == tgtaff) {
+            cs = &s->cpu[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    s->gicd_irouter_target[irq] = cs;
+ * gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates:
+ *
+ * Populate the entire cache of CPU state pointers for interrupt targets
+ * (eg after inbound migration or CPU reset)
+ */
+static inline void gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates(GICv3State *s)
+    int irq;
+    for (irq = GIC_INTERNAL; irq < GICV3_MAXIRQ; irq++) {
+        gicv3_cache_target_cpustate(s, irq);
+    }
 #endif /* !QEMU_ARM_GIC_INTERNAL_H */