virtio-9p: Implement server side of setattr for 9P2000.L protocol.


      size[4] Tsetattr tag[2] attr[n]

      size[4] Rsetattr tag[2]


      The setattr command changes some of the file status information.
      attr resembles the iattr structure used in Linux kernel. It
      specifies which status parameter is to be changed and to what
      value. It is laid out as follows:

            specifies which status information is to be changed. Possible
            values are:
            ATTR_MODE       (1 << 0)
            ATTR_UID        (1 << 1)
            ATTR_GID        (1 << 2)
            ATTR_SIZE       (1 << 3)
            ATTR_ATIME      (1 << 4)
            ATTR_MTIME      (1 << 5)
            ATTR_CTIME      (1 << 5)
            ATTR_ATIME_SET  (1 << 7)
            ATTR_MTIME_SET  (1 << 8)

            The last two bits represent whether the time information
            is being sent by the client's user space. In the absense
            of these bits the server always uses server's time.

            File permission bits

            Owner id of file

            Group id of the file

            File size

            Time of last file access, seconds

            Time of last file access, nanoseconds

            Time of last file modification, seconds

            Time of last file modification, nanoseconds

Explanation of the patches:

*) The kernel just copies relevent contents of iattr structure to p9_iattr_dotl
   structure and passes it down to the client. The only check it has is calling
*) The p9_iattr_dotl structure does not have ctime and ia_file parameters because
   I don't think these are needed in our case. The client user space can request
   updating just ctime by calling chown(fd, -1, -1). This is handled on server
   side without a need for putting ctime on the wire.
*) The server currently supports changing mode, time, ownership and size of the
*) 9P RFC says "Either all the changes in wstat request happen, or none of them
   does: if the request succeeds, all changes were made; if it fails, none were."
   I have not done anything to implement this specifically because I don't see
   a reason.

[ Parts of code for handling chown(-1,-1)

Signed-off-by: Sripathi Kodi <>
Signed-off-by: Venkateswararao Jujjuri <>
diff --git a/hw/virtio-9p.h b/hw/virtio-9p.h
index 1feed82..ebf44a7 100644
--- a/hw/virtio-9p.h
+++ b/hw/virtio-9p.h
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
     P9_TGETATTR = 24,
+    P9_TSETATTR = 26,
     P9_TREADDIR = 40,
     P9_TVERSION = 100,
@@ -290,6 +292,27 @@
     V9fsString nname;
 } V9fsWstatState;
+typedef struct V9fsIattr
+    int32_t valid;
+    int32_t mode;
+    int32_t uid;
+    int32_t gid;
+    int64_t size;
+    int64_t atime_sec;
+    int64_t atime_nsec;
+    int64_t mtime_sec;
+    int64_t mtime_nsec;
+} V9fsIattr;
+typedef struct V9fsSetattrState
+    V9fsPDU *pdu;
+    size_t offset;
+    V9fsIattr v9iattr;
+    V9fsFidState *fidp;
+} V9fsSetattrState;
 struct virtio_9p_config
     /* number of characters in tag */