configure / meson: Move the GBM handling to

The GBM library detection does not need to be in the configure script,
since it does not have any user-facing options (there are no
--enable-gbm or --disable-gbm switches). Let's move it to
instead, so we don't have to clutter config-host.mak with the related

Additionally, only check for GBM if it is really required, i.e. if we
either compile with OpenGL or with virglrenderer support.

Message-Id: <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth <>
diff --git a/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/ b/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/
index 4cb52a9..92c8f3a 100644
--- a/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/
+++ b/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-if 'CONFIG_TOOLS' in config_host and virgl.found() \
-    and 'CONFIG_GBM' in config_host and 'CONFIG_LINUX' in config_host \
-    and pixman.found()
+if 'CONFIG_TOOLS' in config_host and virgl.found() and gbm.found() \
+    and 'CONFIG_LINUX' in config_host and pixman.found()
   executable('vhost-user-gpu', files('vhost-user-gpu.c', 'virgl.c', 'vugbm.c'),
              dependencies: [qemuutil, pixman, gbm, virgl, vhost_user, opengl],
              install: true,