trace-events: fix code style: print 0x before hex numbers

The only exception are groups of numers separated by symbols
'.', ' ', ':', '/', like 'ab.09.7d'.

This patch is made by the following:

> find . -name trace-events | xargs python

where is the following python script:
 #!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import re
import fileinput

rhex = '%[-+ *.0-9]*(?:[hljztL]|ll|hh)?(?:x|X|"\s*PRI[xX][^"]*"?)'
rgroup = re.compile('((?:' + rhex + '[.:/ ])+' + rhex + ')')
rbad = re.compile('(?<!0x)' + rhex)

files = sys.argv[1:]

for fname in files:
    for line in fileinput.input(fname, inplace=True):
        arr = re.split(rgroup, line)
        for i in range(0, len(arr), 2):
            arr[i] = re.sub(rbad, '0x\g<0>', arr[i])


Signed-off-by: Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <>
Acked-by: Cornelia Huck <>
Signed-off-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <>
diff --git a/hw/usb/trace-events b/hw/usb/trace-events
index f74cbd5..2c18770 100644
--- a/hw/usb/trace-events
+++ b/hw/usb/trace-events
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 usb_port_release(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
 # hw/usb/hcd-ohci.c
-usb_ohci_iso_td_read_failed(uint32_t addr) "ISO_TD read error at %x"
+usb_ohci_iso_td_read_failed(uint32_t addr) "ISO_TD read error at 0x%x"
 usb_ohci_iso_td_head(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t flags, uint32_t bp, uint32_t next, uint32_t be, uint32_t framenum, uint32_t startframe, uint32_t framecount, int rel_frame_num) "ISO_TD ED head 0x%.8x tailp 0x%.8x\n0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x\nframe_number 0x%.8x starting_frame 0x%.8x\nframe_count  0x%.8x relative %d"
 usb_ohci_iso_td_head_offset(uint32_t o0, uint32_t o1, uint32_t o2, uint32_t o3, uint32_t o4, uint32_t o5, uint32_t o6, uint32_t o7) "0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x"
 usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_neg(int rel) "ISO_TD R=%d < 0"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 usb_ohci_td_stall(void) ""
 usb_ohci_td_babble(void) ""
 usb_ohci_td_bad_device_response(int rc) "%d"
-usb_ohci_td_read_error(uint32_t addr) "TD read error at %x"
+usb_ohci_td_read_error(uint32_t addr) "TD read error at 0x%x"
 usb_ohci_td_bad_direction(int dir) "Bad direction %d"
 usb_ohci_td_skip_async(void) ""
 usb_ohci_td_pkt_hdr(uint32_t addr, int64_t pktlen, int64_t len, const char *s, int flag_r, uint32_t cbp, uint32_t be) " TD @ 0x%.8x %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64 " bytes %s r=%d cbp=0x%.8x be=0x%.8x"
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
 usb_ohci_td_pkt_full(const char *dir, const char *buf) "%s data: %s"
 usb_ohci_td_too_many_pending(void) ""
 usb_ohci_td_packet_status(int status) "status=%d"
-usb_ohci_ed_read_error(uint32_t addr) "ED read error at %x"
+usb_ohci_ed_read_error(uint32_t addr) "ED read error at 0x%x"
 usb_ohci_ed_pkt(uint32_t cur, int h, int c, uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t next) "ED @ 0x%.8x h=%u c=%u\n  head=0x%.8x tailp=0x%.8x next=0x%.8x"
 usb_ohci_ed_pkt_flags(uint32_t fa, uint32_t en, uint32_t d, int s, int k, int f, uint32_t mps) "fa=%u en=%u d=%u s=%u k=%u f=%u mps=%u"
-usb_ohci_hcca_read_error(uint32_t addr) "HCCA read error at %x"
-usb_ohci_mem_read_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at %x"
-usb_ohci_mem_read_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "%x"
-usb_ohci_mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at %x"
-usb_ohci_mem_write_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "%x"
-usb_ohci_process_lists(uint32_t head, uint32_t cur) "head %x, cur %x"
+usb_ohci_hcca_read_error(uint32_t addr) "HCCA read error at 0x%x"
+usb_ohci_mem_read_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
+usb_ohci_mem_read_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
+usb_ohci_mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
+usb_ohci_mem_write_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
+usb_ohci_process_lists(uint32_t head, uint32_t cur) "head 0x%x, cur 0x%x"
 usb_ohci_set_frame_interval(const char *name, uint16_t fi_x, uint16_t fi_u) "%s: FrameInterval = 0x%x (%u)"
 usb_ohci_hub_power_up(void) "powered up all ports"
 usb_ohci_hub_power_down(void) "powered down all ports"
@@ -70,22 +70,22 @@
 # hw/usb/hcd-ehci.c
 usb_ehci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
 usb_ehci_unrealize(void) "=== UNREALIZE ==="
-usb_ehci_opreg_read(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "rd mmio %04x [%s] = %x"
-usb_ehci_opreg_write(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "wr mmio %04x [%s] = %x"
-usb_ehci_opreg_change(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio %04x [%s] = %x (old: %x)"
-usb_ehci_portsc_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "rd mmio %04x [port %d] = %x"
-usb_ehci_portsc_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "wr mmio %04x [port %d] = %x"
-usb_ehci_portsc_change(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio %04x [port %d] = %x (old: %x)"
+usb_ehci_opreg_read(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
+usb_ehci_opreg_write(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
+usb_ehci_opreg_change(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
+usb_ehci_portsc_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
+usb_ehci_portsc_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
+usb_ehci_portsc_change(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
 usb_ehci_usbsts(const char *sts, int state) "usbsts %s %d"
 usb_ehci_state(const char *schedule, const char *state) "%s schedule %s"
-usb_ehci_qh_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t c_qtd, uint32_t n_qtd, uint32_t a_qtd) "q %p - QH @ %08x: next %08x qtds %08x,%08x,%08x"
-usb_ehci_qh_fields(uint32_t addr, int rl, int mplen, int eps, int ep, int devaddr) "QH @ %08x - rl %d, mplen %d, eps %d, ep %d, dev %d"
-usb_ehci_qh_bits(uint32_t addr, int c, int h, int dtc, int i) "QH @ %08x - c %d, h %d, dtc %d, i %d"
-usb_ehci_qtd_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t altnext) "q %p - QTD @ %08x: next %08x altnext %08x"
-usb_ehci_qtd_fields(uint32_t addr, int tbytes, int cpage, int cerr, int pid) "QTD @ %08x - tbytes %d, cpage %d, cerr %d, pid %d"
-usb_ehci_qtd_bits(uint32_t addr, int ioc, int active, int halt, int babble, int xacterr) "QTD @ %08x - ioc %d, active %d, halt %d, babble %d, xacterr %d"
-usb_ehci_itd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t mplen, uint32_t mult, uint32_t ep, uint32_t devaddr) "ITD @ %08x: next %08x - mplen %d, mult %d, ep %d, dev %d"
-usb_ehci_sitd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t active) "ITD @ %08x: next %08x - active %d"
+usb_ehci_qh_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t c_qtd, uint32_t n_qtd, uint32_t a_qtd) "q %p - QH @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x qtds 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x"
+usb_ehci_qh_fields(uint32_t addr, int rl, int mplen, int eps, int ep, int devaddr) "QH @ 0x%08x - rl %d, mplen %d, eps %d, ep %d, dev %d"
+usb_ehci_qh_bits(uint32_t addr, int c, int h, int dtc, int i) "QH @ 0x%08x - c %d, h %d, dtc %d, i %d"
+usb_ehci_qtd_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t altnext) "q %p - QTD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x altnext 0x%08x"
+usb_ehci_qtd_fields(uint32_t addr, int tbytes, int cpage, int cerr, int pid) "QTD @ 0x%08x - tbytes %d, cpage %d, cerr %d, pid %d"
+usb_ehci_qtd_bits(uint32_t addr, int ioc, int active, int halt, int babble, int xacterr) "QTD @ 0x%08x - ioc %d, active %d, halt %d, babble %d, xacterr %d"
+usb_ehci_itd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t mplen, uint32_t mult, uint32_t ep, uint32_t devaddr) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - mplen %d, mult %d, ep %d, dev %d"
+usb_ehci_sitd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t active) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - active %d"
 usb_ehci_port_attach(uint32_t port, const char *owner, const char *device) "attach port #%d, owner %s, device %s"
 usb_ehci_port_detach(uint32_t port, const char *owner) "detach port #%d, owner %s"
 usb_ehci_port_reset(uint32_t port, int enable) "reset port #%d - %d"
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@
 usb_xhci_irq_msix(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
 usb_xhci_irq_msix_use(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
 usb_xhci_irq_msix_unuse(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
-usb_xhci_queue_event(uint32_t vector, uint32_t idx, const char *trb, const char *evt, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "v %d, idx %d, %s, %s, p %016" PRIx64 ", s %08x, c 0x%08x"
-usb_xhci_fetch_trb(uint64_t addr, const char *name, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "addr %016" PRIx64 ", %s, p %016" PRIx64 ", s %08x, c 0x%08x"
+usb_xhci_queue_event(uint32_t vector, uint32_t idx, const char *trb, const char *evt, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "v %d, idx %d, %s, %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
+usb_xhci_fetch_trb(uint64_t addr, const char *name, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "addr 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
 usb_xhci_port_reset(uint32_t port, bool warm) "port %d, warm %d"
 usb_xhci_port_link(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, pls %d"
-usb_xhci_port_notify(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, bits %x"
+usb_xhci_port_notify(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, bits 0x%x"
 usb_xhci_slot_enable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
 usb_xhci_slot_disable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
 usb_xhci_slot_address(uint32_t slotid, const char *port) "slotid %d, port %s"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 usb_xhci_slot_reset(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
 usb_xhci_ep_enable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
 usb_xhci_ep_disable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
-usb_xhci_ep_set_dequeue(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid, uint64_t param) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d, ptr %016" PRIx64
+usb_xhci_ep_set_dequeue(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid, uint64_t param) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d, ptr 0x%016" PRIx64
 usb_xhci_ep_kick(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d"
 usb_xhci_ep_stop(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
 usb_xhci_ep_reset(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 # hw/usb/dev-uas.c
 usb_uas_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
-usb_uas_command(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun, uint32_t lun64_1, uint32_t lun64_2) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d, lun64 %08x-%08x"
+usb_uas_command(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun, uint32_t lun64_1, uint32_t lun64_2) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d, lun64 0x%08x-0x%08x"
 usb_uas_response(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t code) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, code 0x%x"
 usb_uas_sense(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t status) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, status 0x%x"
 usb_uas_read_ready(int addr, uint16_t tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x"