ui/cocoa.m: Add machine menu items to change and eject removable drive media
Adds all removable devices to the Machine menu as a Change and Eject menu
item pair. ide-cd0 would have a "Change ide-cd0..." and "Eject ide-cd0"
menu items.
Signed-off-by: John Arbuckle <programmingkidx@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org>
diff --git a/ui/cocoa.m b/ui/cocoa.m
index 559058b..334e6f6 100644
--- a/ui/cocoa.m
+++ b/ui/cocoa.m
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "ui/input.h"
#include "sysemu/sysemu.h"
#include "qmp-commands.h"
+#include "sysemu/blockdev.h"
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 1050
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
char **gArgv;
bool stretch_video;
NSTextField *pauseLabel;
+NSArray * supportedImageFileTypes;
// keymap conversion
int keymap[] =
@@ -242,7 +244,24 @@
return keymap[keycode];
+/* Displays an alert dialog box with the specified message */
+static void QEMU_Alert(NSString *message)
+ NSAlert *alert;
+ alert = [NSAlert new];
+ [alert setMessageText: message];
+ [alert runModal];
+/* Handles any errors that happen with a device transaction */
+static void handleAnyDeviceErrors(Error * err)
+ if (err) {
+ QEMU_Alert([NSString stringWithCString: error_get_pretty(err)
+ encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]);
+ error_free(err);
+ }
@@ -808,6 +827,8 @@
- (void)removePause;
- (void)restartQEMU:(id)sender;
- (void)powerDownQEMU:(id)sender;
+- (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
+- (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
@implementation QemuCocoaAppController
@@ -854,6 +875,10 @@
[pauseLabel setFont: [NSFont fontWithName: @"Helvetica" size: 90]];
[pauseLabel setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
[pauseLabel sizeToFit];
+ // set the supported image file types that can be opened
+ supportedImageFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"img", @"iso", @"dmg",
+ @"qcow", @"qcow2", @"cloop", @"vmdk", nil];
return self;
@@ -877,10 +902,8 @@
NSOpenPanel *op = [[NSOpenPanel alloc] init];
[op setPrompt:@"Boot image"];
[op setMessage:@"Select the disk image you want to boot.\n\nHit the \"Cancel\" button to quit"];
- NSArray *filetypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"img", @"iso", @"dmg",
- @"qcow", @"qcow2", @"cloop", @"vmdk", nil];
- [op setAllowedFileTypes:filetypes];
+ [op setAllowedFileTypes:supportedImageFileTypes];
[op beginSheetModalForWindow:normalWindow
completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode)
{ [self openPanelDidEnd:op
@@ -1047,6 +1070,61 @@
+/* Ejects the media.
+ * Uses sender's tag to figure out the device to eject.
+ */
+- (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender
+ NSString * drive;
+ drive = [sender representedObject];
+ if(drive == nil) {
+ NSBeep();
+ QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to find drive to eject!");
+ return;
+ }
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ qmp_eject([drive cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding], false, false, &err);
+ handleAnyDeviceErrors(err);
+/* Displays a dialog box asking the user to select an image file to load.
+ * Uses sender's represented object value to figure out which drive to use.
+ */
+- (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender
+ /* Find the drive name */
+ NSString * drive;
+ drive = [sender representedObject];
+ if(drive == nil) {
+ NSBeep();
+ QEMU_Alert(@"Could not find drive!");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Display the file open dialog */
+ NSOpenPanel * openPanel;
+ openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
+ [openPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
+ [openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
+ [openPanel setAllowedFileTypes: supportedImageFileTypes];
+ if([openPanel runModal] == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
+ NSString * file = [[[openPanel URLs] objectAtIndex: 0] path];
+ if(file == nil) {
+ NSBeep();
+ QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to convert URL to file path!");
+ return;
+ }
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ qmp_change_blockdev([drive cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding],
+ [file cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding],
+ "raw",
+ &err);
+ handleAnyDeviceErrors(err);
+ }
@@ -1260,6 +1338,72 @@
+/* Make menu items for all removable devices.
+ * Each device is given an 'Eject' and 'Change' menu item.
+ */
+static void addRemovableDevicesMenuItems()
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ NSMenuItem *menuItem;
+ BlockInfoList *currentDevice, *pointerToFree;
+ NSString *deviceName;
+ currentDevice = qmp_query_block(NULL);
+ pointerToFree = currentDevice;
+ if(currentDevice == NULL) {
+ NSBeep();
+ QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to query for block devices!");
+ return;
+ }
+ menu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTitle:@"Machine"] submenu];
+ // Add a separator between related groups of menu items
+ [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ // Set the attributes to the "Removable Media" menu item
+ NSString *titleString = @"Removable Media";
+ NSMutableAttributedString *attString=[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:titleString];
+ NSColor *newColor = [NSColor blackColor];
+ NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
+ NSFont *font = [fontManager fontWithFamily:@"Helvetica"
+ traits:NSBoldFontMask|NSItalicFontMask
+ weight:0
+ size:14];
+ [attString addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
+ [attString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:newColor range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
+ [attString addAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 1] range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
+ // Add the "Removable Media" menu item
+ menuItem = [NSMenuItem new];
+ [menuItem setAttributedTitle: attString];
+ [menuItem setEnabled: NO];
+ [menu addItem: menuItem];
+ /* Loop thru all the block devices in the emulator */
+ while (currentDevice) {
+ deviceName = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", currentDevice->value->device] retain];
+ if(currentDevice->value->removable) {
+ menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Change %s...", currentDevice->value->device]
+ action: @selector(changeDeviceMedia:)
+ keyEquivalent: @""];
+ [menu addItem: menuItem];
+ [menuItem setRepresentedObject: deviceName];
+ [menuItem autorelease];
+ menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Eject %s", currentDevice->value->device]
+ action: @selector(ejectDeviceMedia:)
+ keyEquivalent: @""];
+ [menu addItem: menuItem];
+ [menuItem setRepresentedObject: deviceName];
+ [menuItem autorelease];
+ }
+ currentDevice = currentDevice->next;
+ }
+ qapi_free_BlockInfoList(pointerToFree);
void cocoa_display_init(DisplayState *ds, int full_screen)
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_display_init\n");
@@ -1283,4 +1427,10 @@
* menu entries for them.
+ /* Give all removable devices a menu item.
+ * Has to be called after QEMU has started to
+ * find out what removable devices it has.
+ */
+ addRemovableDevicesMenuItems();