scripts: Add a script to check for bug URLs in the git log

Basic idea of this script is to check the git log for URLs
to the QEMU bugtracker at and to figure out
whether the related bug has been marked there as "Fix released"
(i.e. closed) already. So this script can e.g. be used after
each public release of QEMU to check whether there are any
bug tickets that could be moved from "Fix committed" (or another
state if the author of the patch forgot to update the bug ticket)
to "Fix released".

Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth <>
Message-Id: <>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..36f3068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# This script checks the git log for URLs to the QEMU launchpad bugtracker
+# and optionally checks whether the corresponding bugs are not closed yet.
+show_help () {
+    echo "Usage:"
+    echo "  -s <commit>  : Start searching at this commit"
+    echo "  -e <commit>  : End searching at this commit"
+    echo "  -c           : Check if bugs are still open"
+    echo "  -b           : Open bugs in browser"
+while getopts "s:e:cbh" opt; do
+   case "$opt" in
+    s)  start="$OPTARG" ;;
+    e)  end="$OPTARG" ;;
+    c)  check_if_open=1 ;;
+    b)  show_in_browser=1 ;;
+    h)  show_help ; exit 0 ;;
+    *)   echo "Use -h for help." ; exit 1 ;;
+   esac
+if [ "x$start" = "x" ]; then
+    start=`git tag -l 'v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1`
+if [ "x$end" = "x" ]; then
+    end=`git tag -l  'v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0' | tail -n 1`
+if [ "x$start" = "x" ] || [ "x$end" = "x" ]; then
+    echo "Could not determine start or end revision ... Please note that this"
+    echo "script must be run from a checked out git repository of QEMU."
+    exit 1
+echo "Searching git log for bugs in the range $start..$end"
+bug_urls=`git log $start..$end \
+  | sed -n '\,'"$urlstr"', s,\(.*\)\('"$urlstr"'\)\([0-9]*\).*,\2\4,p' \
+  | sort -u`
+echo Found bug URLs:
+for i in $bug_urls ; do echo " $i" ; done
+if [ "x$check_if_open" = "x1" ]; then
+    echo
+    echo "Checking which ones are still open..."
+    for i in $bug_urls ; do
+        if ! curl -s -L "$i" | grep "value status" | grep -q "Fix Released" ; then
+            echo " $i"
+            final_bug_urls="$final_bug_urls $i"
+        fi
+    done
+    final_bug_urls=$bug_urls
+if [ "x$final_bug_urls" = "x" ]; then
+    echo "No open bugs found."
+elif [ "x$show_in_browser" = "x1" ]; then
+    # Try to determine which browser we should use
+    if [ "x$BROWSER" != "x" ]; then
+        bugbrowser="$BROWSER"
+    elif command -v xdg-open >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        bugbrowser=xdg-open
+    elif command -v gnome-open >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        bugbrowser=gnome-open
+    elif [ "`uname`" = "Darwin" ]; then
+        bugbrowser=open
+    elif command -v sensible-browser >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        bugbrowser=sensible-browser
+    else
+        echo "Please set the BROWSER variable to the browser of your choice."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Now show the bugs in the browser
+    first=1
+    for i in $final_bug_urls; do
+        "$bugbrowser" "$i"
+        if [ $first = 1 ]; then
+            # if it is the first entry, give the browser some time to start
+            # (to avoid messages like "Firefox is already running, but is
+            # not responding...")
+            sleep 4
+            first=0
+        fi
+    done