python/aqmp-tui: relicense as LGPLv2+

aqmp-tui, the async QMP text user interface tool, is presently licensed
as GPLv2+. I intend to include this tool as an add-on to an LGPLv2+
library package hosted on I've selected LGPLv2+ to maximize
compatibility with other licenses while retaining a copyleft license.

To keep licensing matters simple, I'd like to relicense this tool as
LGPLv2+ as well in order to keep the resultant license of the hosted
release files simple -- even if library users won't "link against" this
command line tool.

Therefore, I am asking permission to loosen the license.

Niteesh is effectively the sole author of this code, with scattered
lines from myself.

Signed-off-by: John Snow <>
Reviewed-by: G S Niteesh Babu <>
Signed-off-by: John Snow <>
1 file changed