Reference tables

Compiler ids

These are return values of the get_id method in a compiler object.

ValueCompiler family
gccThe GNU Compiler Collection
clangThe Clang compiler
msvcMicrosoft Visual Studio
intelIntel compiler
llvmLLVM-based compiler (Swift, D)
monoXamarin C# compiler
dmdD lang reference compiler
rustcRust compiler
valacVala compiler
pathscaleThe Pathscale Fortran compiler
pgiThe Portland Fortran compiler
sunSun Fortran compiler
g95The G95 Fortran compiler
open64The Open64 Fortran Compiler
nagforThe NAG Fortran compiler

Script environment variables

MESON_SOURCE_ROOTAbsolute path to the source dir
MESON_BUILD_ROOTAbsolute path to the build dir
MESONINTROSPECTCommand to run to run the introspection command, may be of the form python /path/to/meson introspect, user is responsible for splitting the path if necessary.
MESON_SUBDIRCurrent subdirectory, only set for run_command

CPU families

These are returned by the cpu_family method of build_machine, host_machine and target_machine. For cross compilation they are set in the cross file.

x8632 bit x86 processor
x86_6464 bit x86 processor
arm32 bit ARM processor

Any cpu family not listed in the above list is not guaranteed to remain stable in future releases.

Operating system names

These are provided by the .system() method call.

darwinEither OSX or iOS
windowsAny version of Windows
cygwinThe Cygwin environment for Windows

Any string not listed above is not guaranteed to remain stable in future releases.