Unstable Wayland Module

This module is available since version 0.62.0.

This module provides helper functions to find wayland protocol xmls and to generate .c and .h files using wayland-scanner

Note: this module is unstable. It is only provided as a technology preview. Its API may change in arbitrary ways between releases or it might be removed from Meson altogether.

Quick Usage

project('hello-wayland', 'c')

wl_dep = dependency('wayland-client')
wl_mod = import('unstable-wayland')

xml = wl_mod.find_protocol('xdg-shell')
xdg_shell = wl_mod.scan_xml(xml)

executable('hw', 'main.c', xdg_shell, dependencies : wl_dep)



xml = wl_mod.find_protocol(
  state : 'unstable',
  version : 1,

This function requires one positional argument: the protocol base name.

It takes the following keyword arguments:

  • state Optional arg that specifies the current state of the protocol. Either 'stable', 'staging', or 'unstable'. The default is 'stable'.
  • version The backwards incompatible version number as integer. Required for staging and unstable, but not allowed for stable.

Returns: a [[@file]] that can be passed to scan_xml


generated = wl_mod.scan_xml(
  client : true,
  server : true,
  public : false,
  include_core_only : true,

This function accepts one or more arguments of either string or file type.

It takes the following keyword arguments:

  • public Optional arg that specifies the scope of the generated code. The default is false.
  • client Optional arg that specifies if client side header file is generated. The default is true.
  • server Optional arg that specifies if server side header file is generated. The default is false.
  • include_core_only Optional arg that specifies that generated headers only include wayland-<client|server>-core.h instead of wayland-<client|server>.h. The default is true. Since 0.64.0

Returns: a list of [[@custom_tgt]] in the order source, client side header, server side header. Generated header files have the name <name>-<client|server>-protocol.h.
