
Running make test runs most of the integrated tests. You should have valgrind installed.

Running make pre-push runs the above builds and tests in different configurations: GCC, clang, and with ASAN enabled.

There are some older unit tests written in C, but most tests are now done via Python, in the test/py sub-directory. You can run just the Python tests via make pytest or make pytest-valgrind.

The master branch is run through Coverity when a new PR lands.

You can also run make gcov to get code coverage reports.

Debugging Test Errors

Sometimes debugging Valgrind errors on Python unit tests can be tricky. To run specific tests use the pytest -k option in PYTESTCMD in the Makefile.


You can run American Fuzzy Lop against libvfio-user. It's easiest to use the Docker container:

cd /path/to/libvfio-user/src
docker pull aflplusplus/aflplusplus
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/src aflplusplus/aflplusplus

Set up and build:

apt update
apt-get -y install libjson-c-dev libcmocka-dev clang valgrind \
                   python3-pytest debianutils flake8 cmake

cd /src
make CC=afl-clang-fast WITH_TRAN_PIPE=1

mkdir inputs
# don't yet have a better starting point
echo "1" >inputs/start
mkdir outputs

The VFU_TRAN_PIPE is a special libvfio-user transport that reads from stdin instead of a socket, we'll use this with the sample server to do our fuzzing:

afl-fuzz -i inputs/ -o outputs/ -- ./build/dbg/samples/server pipe