blob: 967bb6182dc46df0289ab548829078e8d3a752fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Brown <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
* the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
* COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
* @file
* EFI debugging utilities
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ipxe/uuid.h>
#include <ipxe/base16.h>
#include <ipxe/vsprintf.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/efi.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/efi_path.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/Protocol/ComponentName.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/Protocol/ComponentName2.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/Protocol/DevicePathToText.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/IndustryStandard/PeImage.h>
/** Device path to text protocol */
/** Iscsi4Dxe module GUID */
static EFI_GUID efi_iscsi4_dxe_guid = {
0x4579b72d, 0x7ec4, 0x4dd4,
{ 0x84, 0x86, 0x08, 0x3c, 0x86, 0xb1, 0x82, 0xa7 }
/** VlanConfigDxe module GUID */
static EFI_GUID efi_vlan_config_dxe_guid = {
0xe4f61863, 0xfe2c, 0x4b56,
{ 0xa8, 0xf4, 0x08, 0x51, 0x9b, 0xc4, 0x39, 0xdf }
/** A well-known GUID */
struct efi_well_known_guid {
/** GUID */
EFI_GUID *guid;
/** Name */
const char *name;
/** Well-known GUIDs */
static struct efi_well_known_guid efi_well_known_guids[] = {
{ &efi_absolute_pointer_protocol_guid,
"AbsolutePointer" },
{ &efi_acpi_table_protocol_guid,
"AcpiTable" },
{ &efi_apple_net_boot_protocol_guid,
"AppleNetBoot" },
{ &efi_arp_protocol_guid,
"Arp" },
{ &efi_arp_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"ArpSb" },
{ &efi_block_io_protocol_guid,
"BlockIo" },
{ &efi_block_io2_protocol_guid,
"BlockIo2" },
{ &efi_bus_specific_driver_override_protocol_guid,
"BusSpecificDriverOverride" },
{ &efi_component_name_protocol_guid,
"ComponentName" },
{ &efi_component_name2_protocol_guid,
"ComponentName2" },
{ &efi_console_control_protocol_guid,
"ConsoleControl" },
{ &efi_device_path_protocol_guid,
"DevicePath" },
{ &efi_driver_binding_protocol_guid,
"DriverBinding" },
{ &efi_dhcp4_protocol_guid,
"Dhcp4" },
{ &efi_dhcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"Dhcp4Sb" },
{ &efi_disk_io_protocol_guid,
"DiskIo" },
{ &efi_graphics_output_protocol_guid,
"GraphicsOutput" },
{ &efi_hii_config_access_protocol_guid,
"HiiConfigAccess" },
{ &efi_hii_font_protocol_guid,
"HiiFont" },
{ &efi_ip4_protocol_guid,
"Ip4" },
{ &efi_ip4_config_protocol_guid,
"Ip4Config" },
{ &efi_ip4_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"Ip4Sb" },
{ &efi_iscsi4_dxe_guid,
"IScsi4Dxe" },
{ &efi_load_file_protocol_guid,
"LoadFile" },
{ &efi_load_file2_protocol_guid,
"LoadFile2" },
{ &efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid,
"LoadedImage" },
{ &efi_loaded_image_device_path_protocol_guid,
{ &efi_managed_network_protocol_guid,
"ManagedNetwork" },
{ &efi_managed_network_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"ManagedNetworkSb" },
{ &efi_mtftp4_protocol_guid,
"Mtftp4" },
{ &efi_mtftp4_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"Mtftp4Sb" },
{ &efi_nii_protocol_guid,
"Nii" },
{ &efi_nii31_protocol_guid,
"Nii31" },
{ &efi_pci_io_protocol_guid,
"PciIo" },
{ &efi_pci_root_bridge_io_protocol_guid,
"PciRootBridgeIo" },
{ &efi_pxe_base_code_protocol_guid,
"PxeBaseCode" },
{ &efi_serial_io_protocol_guid,
"SerialIo" },
{ &efi_simple_file_system_protocol_guid,
"SimpleFileSystem" },
{ &efi_simple_network_protocol_guid,
"SimpleNetwork" },
{ &efi_simple_pointer_protocol_guid,
"SimplePointer" },
{ &efi_simple_text_input_protocol_guid,
"SimpleTextInput" },
{ &efi_simple_text_input_ex_protocol_guid,
"SimpleTextInputEx" },
{ &efi_simple_text_output_protocol_guid,
"SimpleTextOutput" },
{ &efi_tcg_protocol_guid,
"Tcg" },
{ &efi_tcp4_protocol_guid,
"Tcp4" },
{ &efi_tcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"Tcp4Sb" },
{ &efi_tree_protocol_guid,
"TrEE" },
{ &efi_udp4_protocol_guid,
"Udp4" },
{ &efi_udp4_service_binding_protocol_guid,
"Udp4Sb" },
{ &efi_uga_draw_protocol_guid,
"UgaDraw" },
{ &efi_unicode_collation_protocol_guid,
"UnicodeCollation" },
{ &efi_usb_hc_protocol_guid,
"UsbHc" },
{ &efi_usb2_hc_protocol_guid,
"Usb2Hc" },
{ &efi_usb_io_protocol_guid,
"UsbIo" },
{ &efi_vlan_config_protocol_guid,
"VlanConfig" },
{ &efi_vlan_config_dxe_guid,
"VlanConfigDxe" },
* Convert GUID to a printable string
* @v guid GUID
* @ret string Printable string
const __attribute__ (( pure )) char * efi_guid_ntoa ( CONST EFI_GUID *guid ) {
union {
union uuid uuid;
EFI_GUID guid;
} u;
unsigned int i;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! guid )
return NULL;
/* Check for a match against well-known GUIDs */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( efi_well_known_guids ) /
sizeof ( efi_well_known_guids[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
if ( memcmp ( guid, efi_well_known_guids[i].guid,
sizeof ( *guid ) ) == 0 ) {
return efi_well_known_guids[i].name;
/* Convert GUID to standard endianness */
memcpy ( &u.guid, guid, sizeof ( u.guid ) );
uuid_mangle ( &u.uuid );
return uuid_ntoa ( &u.uuid );
* Name locate search type
* @v search_type Locate search type
* @ret name Locate search type name
const __attribute__ (( pure )) char *
efi_locate_search_type_name ( EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE search_type ) {
static char buf[16];
switch ( search_type ) {
case AllHandles : return "AllHandles";
case ByRegisterNotify: return "ByRegisterNotify";
case ByProtocol: return "ByProtocol";
snprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "UNKNOWN<%d>", search_type );
return buf;
* Name protocol open attributes
* @v attributes Protocol open attributes
* @ret name Protocol open attributes name
* Returns a (static) string with characters for each set bit
* corresponding to BY_(H)ANDLE_PROTOCOL, (G)ET_PROTOCOL,
const __attribute__ (( pure )) char *
efi_open_attributes_name ( unsigned int attributes ) {
static char attribute_chars[] = "HGTCDX";
static char name[ sizeof ( attribute_chars ) ];
char *tmp = name;
unsigned int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( attribute_chars ) - 1 ) ; i++ ) {
if ( attributes & ( 1 << i ) )
*(tmp++) = attribute_chars[i];
*tmp = '\0';
return name;
* Print opened protocol information
* @v handle EFI handle
* @V protocol Protocol GUID
* @v opener Opened protocol information
void dbg_efi_opener ( EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol,
printf ( "HANDLE %s %s opened %dx (%s)", efi_handle_name ( handle ),
efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ), opener->OpenCount,
efi_open_attributes_name ( opener->Attributes ) );
printf ( " by %s", efi_handle_name ( opener->AgentHandle ) );
if ( opener->ControllerHandle == handle ) {
printf ( "\n" );
} else {
printf ( " for %s\n",
efi_handle_name ( opener->ControllerHandle ) );
* Print list of openers of a given protocol on a given handle
* @v handle EFI handle
* @v protocol Protocol GUID
void dbg_efi_openers ( EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol ) {
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
UINTN count;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ( ! handle ) || ( ! protocol ) ) {
printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve openers for %s\n",
efi_handle_name ( handle ),
efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ) );
/* Retrieve list of openers */
if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocolInformation ( handle, protocol, &openers,
&count ) ) != 0 ) {
rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve openers for %s: %s\n",
efi_handle_name ( handle ),
efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ), strerror ( rc ) );
/* Dump list of openers */
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
dbg_efi_opener ( handle, protocol, &openers[i] );
/* Free list */
bs->FreePool ( openers );
* Print list of protocol handlers attached to a handle
* @v handle EFI handle
void dbg_efi_protocols ( EFI_HANDLE handle ) {
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
EFI_GUID **protocols;
EFI_GUID *protocol;
UINTN count;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! handle ) {
printf ( "HANDLE %p could not retrieve protocols\n", handle );
/* Retrieve list of protocols */
if ( ( efirc = bs->ProtocolsPerHandle ( handle, &protocols,
&count ) ) != 0 ) {
rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve protocols: %s\n",
efi_handle_name ( handle ), strerror ( rc ) );
/* Dump list of protocols */
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
protocol = protocols[i];
printf ( "HANDLE %s %s supported\n", efi_handle_name ( handle ),
efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ) );
dbg_efi_openers ( handle, protocol );
/* Free list */
bs->FreePool ( protocols );
* Get textual representation of device path
* @v path Device path
* @ret text Textual representation of device path, or NULL
const __attribute__ (( pure )) char *
efi_devpath_text ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *path ) {
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
static char text[512];
size_t len;
CHAR16 *wtext;
/* Sanity checks */
if ( ! path ) {
DBG ( "[NULL DevicePath]" );
return NULL;
/* If we have no DevicePathToText protocol then use a raw hex string */
if ( ! efidpt ) {
DBG ( "[No DevicePathToText]" );
len = efi_path_len ( path );
base16_encode ( path, len, text, sizeof ( text ) );
return text;
/* Convert path to a textual representation */
wtext = efidpt->ConvertDevicePathToText ( path, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( ! wtext )
return NULL;
/* Store path in buffer */
snprintf ( text, sizeof ( text ), "%ls", wtext );
/* Free path */
bs->FreePool ( wtext );
return text;
* Get driver name
* @v wtf Component name protocol
* @ret name Driver name, or NULL
static const char * efi_driver_name ( EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL *wtf ) {
static char name[64];
CHAR16 *driver_name;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! wtf ) {
DBG ( "[NULL ComponentName]" );
return NULL;
/* Try "eng" first; if that fails then try the first language */
if ( ( ( efirc = wtf->GetDriverName ( wtf, "eng",
&driver_name ) ) != 0 ) &&
( ( efirc = wtf->GetDriverName ( wtf, wtf->SupportedLanguages,
&driver_name ) ) != 0 ) ) {
return NULL;
/* Convert name from CHAR16 to char */
snprintf ( name, sizeof ( name ), "%ls", driver_name );
return name;
* Get driver name
* @v wtf Component name protocol
* @ret name Driver name, or NULL
static const char * efi_driver_name2 ( EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL *wtf ) {
static char name[64];
CHAR16 *driver_name;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! wtf ) {
DBG ( "[NULL ComponentName2]" );
return NULL;
/* Try "en" first; if that fails then try the first language */
if ( ( ( efirc = wtf->GetDriverName ( wtf, "en",
&driver_name ) ) != 0 ) &&
( ( efirc = wtf->GetDriverName ( wtf, wtf->SupportedLanguages,
&driver_name ) ) != 0 ) ) {
return NULL;
/* Convert name from CHAR16 to char */
snprintf ( name, sizeof ( name ), "%ls", driver_name );
return name;
* Get PE/COFF debug filename
* @v loaded Loaded image
* @ret name PE/COFF debug filename, or NULL
static const char *
efi_pecoff_debug_name ( EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *loaded ) {
static char buf[32];
uint16_t dos_magic;
uint32_t pe_magic;
uint16_t opt_magic;
uint32_t codeview_magic;
size_t max_len;
char *name;
char *tmp;
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! loaded ) {
DBG ( "[NULL LoadedImage]" );
return NULL;
/* Parse DOS header */
dos = loaded->ImageBase;
if ( ! dos ) {
DBG ( "[Missing DOS header]" );
return NULL;
dos_magic = dos->e_magic;
if ( dos_magic != EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ) {
DBG ( "[Bad DOS signature %#04x]", dos_magic );
return NULL;
pe = ( loaded->ImageBase + dos->e_lfanew );
/* Parse PE header */
pe_magic = pe->Pe32.Signature;
if ( pe_magic != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) {
DBG ( "[Bad PE signature %#08x]", pe_magic );
return NULL;
opt32 = &pe->Pe32.OptionalHeader;
opt64 = &pe->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader;
opt_magic = opt32->Magic;
if ( opt_magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC ) {
datadir = opt32->DataDirectory;
} else if ( opt_magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC ) {
datadir = opt64->DataDirectory;
} else {
DBG ( "[Bad optional header signature %#04x]", opt_magic );
return NULL;
/* Parse data directory entry */
if ( ! datadir[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG].VirtualAddress ) {
DBG ( "[Empty debug directory entry]" );
return NULL;
debug = ( loaded->ImageBase +
datadir[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG].VirtualAddress );
/* Parse debug directory entry */
if ( debug->Type != EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW ) {
DBG ( "[Not a CodeView debug directory entry (type %d)]",
debug->Type );
return NULL;
codeview_nb10 = ( loaded->ImageBase + debug->RVA );
codeview_rsds = ( loaded->ImageBase + debug->RVA );
codeview_mtoc = ( loaded->ImageBase + debug->RVA );
codeview_magic = codeview_nb10->Signature;
/* Parse CodeView entry */
if ( codeview_magic == CODEVIEW_SIGNATURE_NB10 ) {
name = ( ( void * ) ( codeview_nb10 + 1 ) );
} else if ( codeview_magic == CODEVIEW_SIGNATURE_RSDS ) {
name = ( ( void * ) ( codeview_rsds + 1 ) );
} else if ( codeview_magic == CODEVIEW_SIGNATURE_MTOC ) {
name = ( ( void * ) ( codeview_mtoc + 1 ) );
} else {
DBG ( "[Bad CodeView signature %#08x]", codeview_magic );
return NULL;
/* Sanity check - avoid scanning endlessly through memory */
max_len = EFI_PAGE_SIZE; /* Reasonably sane */
if ( strnlen ( name, max_len ) == max_len ) {
DBG ( "[Excessively long or invalid CodeView name]" );
return NULL;
/* Skip any directory components. We cannot modify this data
* or create a temporary buffer, so do not use basename().
while ( ( ( tmp = strchr ( name, '/' ) ) != NULL ) ||
( ( tmp = strchr ( name, '\\' ) ) != NULL ) ) {
name = ( tmp + 1 );
/* Copy base name to buffer */
snprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "%s", name );
/* Strip file suffix, if present */
if ( ( tmp = strrchr ( name, '.' ) ) != NULL )
*tmp = '\0';
return name;
* Get initial loaded image name
* @v loaded Loaded image
* @ret name Initial loaded image name, or NULL
static const char *
efi_first_loaded_image_name ( EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *loaded ) {
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! loaded ) {
DBG ( "[NULL LoadedImage]" );
return NULL;
return ( ( loaded->ParentHandle == NULL ) ? "DxeCore(?)" : NULL );
* Get loaded image name from file path
* @v loaded Loaded image
* @ret name Loaded image name, or NULL
static const char *
efi_loaded_image_filepath_name ( EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *loaded ) {
/* Sanity check */
if ( ! loaded ) {
DBG ( "[NULL LoadedImage]" );
return NULL;
return efi_devpath_text ( loaded->FilePath );
* Get console input handle name
* @v input Simple text input protocol
* @ret name Console input handle name, or NULL
static const char *
efi_conin_name ( EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *input ) {
/* Check for match against ConIn */
if ( input == efi_systab->ConIn )
return "ConIn";
return NULL;
* Get console output handle name
* @v output Simple text output protocol
* @ret name Console output handle name, or NULL
static const char *
efi_conout_name ( EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *output ) {
/* Check for match against ConOut */
if ( output == efi_systab->ConOut )
return "ConOut";
/* Check for match against StdErr (if different from ConOut) */
if ( output == efi_systab->StdErr )
return "StdErr";
return NULL;
/** An EFI handle name type */
struct efi_handle_name_type {
/** Protocol */
EFI_GUID *protocol;
* Get name
* @v interface Protocol interface
* @ret name Name of handle, or NULL on failure
const char * ( * name ) ( void *interface );
* Define an EFI handle name type
* @v protocol Protocol interface
* @v name Method to get name
* @ret type EFI handle name type
#define EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE( protocol, name ) { \
(protocol), \
( const char * ( * ) ( void * ) ) (name), \
/** EFI handle name types */
static struct efi_handle_name_type efi_handle_name_types[] = {
/* Device path */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_device_path_protocol_guid,
efi_devpath_text ),
/* Driver name (for driver image handles) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_component_name2_protocol_guid,
efi_driver_name2 ),
/* Driver name (via obsolete original ComponentName protocol) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_component_name_protocol_guid,
efi_driver_name ),
/* PE/COFF debug filename (for image handles) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid,
efi_pecoff_debug_name ),
/* Loaded image device path (for image handles) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_loaded_image_device_path_protocol_guid,
efi_devpath_text ),
/* First loaded image name (for the DxeCore image) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid,
efi_first_loaded_image_name ),
/* Handle's loaded image file path (for image handles) */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid,
efi_loaded_image_filepath_name ),
/* Our standard input file handle */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_simple_text_input_protocol_guid,
efi_conin_name ),
/* Our standard output and standard error file handles */
EFI_HANDLE_NAME_TYPE ( &efi_simple_text_output_protocol_guid,
efi_conout_name ),
* Get name of an EFI handle
* @v handle EFI handle
* @ret text Name of handle, or NULL
const __attribute__ (( pure )) char * efi_handle_name ( EFI_HANDLE handle ) {
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
struct efi_handle_name_type *type;
static char buf[256];
size_t used = 0;
EFI_GUID **protocols;
UINTN count;
unsigned int i;
void *interface;
const char *name;
/* Fail immediately for NULL handles */
if ( ! handle )
return NULL;
/* Try each name type in turn */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( efi_handle_name_types ) /
sizeof ( efi_handle_name_types[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
type = &efi_handle_name_types[i];
DBG2 ( "<%d", i );
/* Try to open the applicable protocol */
efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( handle, type->protocol, &interface,
efi_image_handle, handle,
if ( efirc != 0 ) {
DBG2 ( ">" );
/* Try to get name from this protocol */
DBG2 ( "-" );
name = type->name ( interface );
DBG2 ( "%c", ( name ? ( name[0] ? 'Y' : 'E' ) : 'N' ) );
/* Close protocol */
bs->CloseProtocol ( handle, type->protocol,
efi_image_handle, handle );
DBG2 ( ">" );
/* Use this name, if possible */
if ( name && name[0] )
return name;
/* If no name is found, then use the raw handle value and a
* list of installed protocols.
used = ssnprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "UNKNOWN<%p", handle );
if ( ( efirc = bs->ProtocolsPerHandle ( handle, &protocols,
&count ) ) == 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ),
( sizeof ( buf ) - used ), ",%s",
efi_guid_ntoa ( protocols[i] ) );
bs->FreePool ( protocols );
used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ), ( sizeof ( buf ) - used ), ">" );
return buf;