Add PeiLibPciCfgModify into EDKII GlueLib PeiServiceLib to support the modules that uses EDKII Glue Lib

git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk.inf b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk.inf
index f6b7a91..ea1b5c8 100644
--- a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk.inf
+++ b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk/PciCfg2ToPciCfgThunk.inf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #             &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiGuid,

 #             <*>

 #           };

-#           (**PeiServices).InstallPpi (PeiServices, gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList);

+#           (**PeiServices).InstallPpi (PeiServices, &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList);

 #         }


 # In addition, the PeiServicesTable definition in PeiApi.h is updated to

diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Include/Library/EdkIIGluePeiServicesLib.h b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Include/Library/EdkIIGluePeiServicesLib.h
index f9a9dd7..f998b69 100644
--- a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Include/Library/EdkIIGluePeiServicesLib.h
+++ b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Include/Library/EdkIIGluePeiServicesLib.h
@@ -307,5 +307,58 @@




+  PCI read-modify-write operations.


+  PIWG's PI specification replaces Inte's EFI Specification 1.10.

+  EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI defined in Inte's EFI Specification 1.10 is replaced by

+  EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG2_PPI in PI 1.0. "Modify" function  in these two PPI are not 

+  compatibile with each other.


+  For Framework code that make the following call:

+      PciCfg->Modify (

+                       PeiServices,

+                       PciCfg,

+                       Width,

+                       Address,

+                       SetBits,

+                       ClearBits

+                       );

+   it will be updated to the following code which call this library API:

+      PeiLibPciCfgModify (

+          PeiServices,

+          PciCfg,

+          Width,

+          Address,

+          SetBits,

+          ClearBits

+          );


+  @param  PeiServices     An indirect pointer to the PEI Services Table

+                          published by the PEI Foundation.

+  @param  PciCfg          A pointer to the this pointer of EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI. 

+                          This parameter is unused as a place holder to make

+                          the parameter list identical to PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI_RW.

+  @param  Width           The width of the access. Enumerated in bytes. Type

+                          EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI_WIDTH is defined in Read().

+  @param  Address         The physical address of the access.

+  @param  SetBits         Points to value to bitwise-OR with the read configuration value.

+                          The size of the value is determined by Width.

+  @param  ClearBits       Points to the value to negate and bitwise-AND with the read configuration value.

+                          The size of the value is determined by Width.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The function completed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR There was a problem with the transaction.




+PeiLibPciCfgModify (

+  IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES         **PeiServices,

+  IN PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI          *PciCfg,


+  IN UINT64                   Address,

+  IN UINTN                    SetBits,

+  IN UINTN                    ClearBits

+  )



diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.c b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.c
index 6014351..c8da53a 100644
--- a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.c
+++ b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.c
@@ -391,3 +391,81 @@
   PeiServices = GetPeiServicesTablePointer ();

   return (*PeiServices)->PeiResetSystem (PeiServices);




+  PCI read-modify-write operations.


+  PIWG's PI specification replaces Inte's EFI Specification 1.10.

+  EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI defined in Inte's EFI Specification 1.10 is replaced by

+  EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG2_PPI in PI 1.0. "Modify" function  in these two PPI are not 

+  compatibile with each other.


+  For Framework code that make the following call:

+      PciCfg->Modify (

+                       PeiServices,

+                       PciCfg,

+                       Width,

+                       Address,

+                       SetBits,

+                       ClearBits

+                       );

+   it will be updated to the following code which call this library API:

+      PeiLibPciCfgModify (

+          PeiServices,

+          PciCfg,

+          Width,

+          Address,

+          SetBits,

+          ClearBits

+          );


+  @param  PeiServices     An indirect pointer to the PEI Services Table

+                          published by the PEI Foundation.

+  @param  PciCfg          A pointer to the this pointer of EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI. 

+                          This parameter is unused as a place holder to make

+                          the parameter list identical to PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI_RW.

+  @param  Width           The width of the access. Enumerated in bytes. Type

+                          EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI_WIDTH is defined in Read().

+  @param  Address         The physical address of the access.

+  @param  SetBits         Points to value to bitwise-OR with the read configuration value.

+                          The size of the value is determined by Width.

+  @param  ClearBits       Points to the value to negate and bitwise-AND with the read configuration value.

+                          The size of the value is determined by Width.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The function completed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR There was a problem with the transaction.




+PeiLibPciCfgModify (

+  IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES         **PeiServices,

+  IN PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI          *PciCfg,


+  IN UINT64                   Address,

+  IN UINTN                    SetBits,

+  IN UINTN                    ClearBits

+  )


+  EFI_STATUS            Status;

+  EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG2_PPI  *PciCfg2;


+  Status = (*PeiServices)->LocatePpi (

+                             PeiServices,

+                             &gPeiPciCfg2PpiGuid,

+                             0,

+                             NULL,

+                             (VOID **) &PciCfg2

+                             );



+  Status = PciCfg2->Modify (

+                      (CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **) PeiServices,

+                      PciCfg2,

+                      (EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI_WIDTH) Width,

+                      Address,

+                      &SetBits,

+                      &ClearBits

+                      );


+  return Status;


diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
index 1b604d1..55e8a11 100644
--- a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
+++ b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EdkIIGlueLib/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 # used to replace EdkIIGluePeiServicesTablePointerLibMm7 or

 # EdkIIGluePeiServicesTablePointerLibKr1


+ EdkFrameworkPpiLib


