EmulatorPkg provides an environment where a UEFI environment can be emulated under an environment where a full UEFI compatible environment is not possible. (For example, running under an OS where an OS process hosts the UEFI emulation environment.)
You can use the following command to build.
32bit emulator in Windows:
build -p EmulatorPkg\EmulatorPkg.dsc -t VS2017 -a IA32
64bit emulator in Windows:
build -p EmulatorPkg\EmulatorPkg.dsc -t VS2017 -a X64
32bit emulator in Linux:
build -p EmulatorPkg\EmulatorPkg.dsc -t GCC5 -a IA32
64bit emulator in Linux:
build -p EmulatorPkg\EmulatorPkg.dsc -t GCC5 -a X64
You can start/run the emulator using the following command:
32bit emulator in Windows:
cd Build\EmulatorIA32\DEBUG_VS2017\IA32\ && WinHost.exe
64bit emulator in Windows:
cd Build\EmulatorX64\DEBUG_VS2017\X64\ && WinHost.exe
32bit emulator in Linux:
cd Build/EmulatorIA32/DEBUG_GCC5/IA32/ && ./Host
64bit emulator in Linux:
cd Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_GCC5/X64/ && ./Host
On posix-like environment with the bash shell you can use EmulatorPkg/build.sh to simplify building and running emulator.
For example, to build + run:
$ EmulatorPkg/build.sh
$ EmulatorPkg/build.sh run
The build architecture will match your host machine's architecture.
On X64 host machines, you can build + run IA32 mode as well:
$ EmulatorPkg/build.sh -a IA32
$ EmulatorPkg/build.sh -a IA32 run