blob: 3cd272f719c5b1891c50916361737149fb2d4447 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
CommonDefinition class.
This class is to define some common marcos and funcions, which used by AutoGen.
Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
This class is to define some common marcos, which used by AutoGen.
public class CommonDefinition {
public final static String spdSuffix = ".spd";
public final static String mbdSuffix = ".mbd";
public final static String msaSuffix = ".msa";
public final static String LibraryStr = "LIBRARY";
public final static String autoGenHbegin = "extern int __make_me_compile_correctly;\r\n";
public final static String include = "#include";
public final static String autoGenCLine1 = "\r\n";
public final static String autoGenCLine2 = "const UINT8 _gDebugPropertyMask "
public final static String autoGenCLine3 = "const UINTN _gModuleDefaultErrorLevel"
+ " = EFI_D_ERROR | EFI_D_LOAD;\r\n";
public final static String autoGenHLine1 = "#define EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION 0x00020000\r\n";
public final static String autoGenHVersionDefault = "#define EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION 0x00000000\r\n";
public final static String autoGenHLine2 = "#define EDK_RELEASE_VERSION 0x00090000\r\n";
public final static String autoGenHReleaseDefault = "#define EDK_RELEASE_VERSION 0x00000000\r\n";
public final static String includeAutogenH = "#include <AutoGen.h>\r\n" ;
public final static String marcDefineStr = "#define ";
public final static String gEfi = "gEfi";
public final static String protocolGuid = "ProtocolGuid";
public final static String ppiGuid = "PpiGuid";
public final static String guidGuid = "Guid";
public final static String tianoR8FlashMapH = "TianoR8FlashMap.h";
public final static String flashMapH = "FlashMap.h";
// AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c file's header
public final static String autogenHNotation =
"/**\r\n" +
" DO NOT EDIT\r\n" +
" FILE auto-generated by GenBuild tasks\r\n" +
" Module name:\r\n" +
" AutoGen.h\r\n" +
" Abstract:" +
" Auto-generated AutoGen.h for building module or library.\r\n" +
public final static String autogenCNotation =
"/**\r\n" +
" DO NOT EDIT\r\n" +
" FILE auto-generated by GenBuild tasks\r\n" +
" Module name:\r\n" +
" AutoGen.c\r\n" +
" Abstract:" +
" Auto-generated AutoGen.c for building module or library.\r\n" +
// module type
public final static int ModuleTypeBase = 0;
public final static int ModuleTypeSec = 1;
public final static int ModuleTypePeiCore = 2;
public final static int ModuleTypePeim = 3;
public final static int ModuleTypeDxeCore = 4;
public final static int ModuleTypeDxeDriver = 5;
public final static int ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver = 6;
public final static int ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver = 7;
public final static int ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver = 8;
public final static int ModuleTypeUefiDriver = 9;
public final static int ModuleTypeUefiApplication = 10;
public final static int ModuleTypeUnknown = 11;
// component type
public final static int ComponentTypeNull = 0;
public final static int ComponentTypeApriori = 1;
public final static int ComponentTypeSec = 2;
public final static int ComponentTypeLibrary = 3;
public final static int ComponentTypeFvImageFile = 4;
public final static int ComponentTypeBsDriver = 5;
public final static int ComponentTypeRtDriver = 6;
public final static int ComponentTypeSalRtDriver =7;
public final static int ComponentTypePe32Peim = 8;
public final static int ComponentTypePicPeim =9;
public final static int ComponentTypeCombinedPeimDriver =10;
public final static int ComponentTypePeiCore = 11;
public final static int ComponentTypeDxeCore = 12;
public final static int ComponentTypeApplication = 13;
public final static int ComponentTypeBsDriverEfi = 14;
public final static int ComponentTypeShellApp = 15;
public final static int ComponentTypeBinary =16;
public final static int ComponentTypeLogo = 17;
public final static int ComponentTypeCustomBuild = 18;
public final static int ComponentTypeUnknown = 19;
// Usaged style
public final static String AlwaysConsumed = "ALWAYS_CONSUMED";
public final static String AlwaysProduced = "ALWAYS_PRODUCED";
public static class MyEnum {
String moduleTypeStr;
int type;
MyEnum (String str, int type) {
this.type = type;
this.moduleTypeStr = str;
int ForInt(String str) {
if (str.equals(this.moduleTypeStr)) {
return this.type;
} else
return -1;
// Module type
public static final MyEnum[] moduleEnum = new MyEnum[] {
new MyEnum("BASE", ModuleTypeBase),
new MyEnum("SEC", ModuleTypeSec),
new MyEnum("PEI_CORE", ModuleTypePeiCore),
new MyEnum("PEIM", ModuleTypePeim),
new MyEnum("DXE_CORE", ModuleTypeDxeCore),
new MyEnum("DXE_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeDriver),
new MyEnum("DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver),
new MyEnum("DXE_SAL_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver),
new MyEnum("DXE_SMM_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver),
new MyEnum("UEFI_DRIVER", ModuleTypeUefiDriver),
new MyEnum("UEFI_APPLICATION", ModuleTypeUefiApplication) };
// Component type
public static final MyEnum[] componentEnum = new MyEnum[]{
new MyEnum("APRIORI", ComponentTypeApriori),
new MyEnum("SEC", ComponentTypeSec),
new MyEnum("LIBRARY", ComponentTypeLibrary),
new MyEnum("FV_IMAGE_FILE", ComponentTypeFvImageFile),
new MyEnum("BS_DRIVER", ComponentTypeBsDriver),
new MyEnum("RT_DRIVER", ComponentTypeRtDriver),
new MyEnum("SAL_RT_DRIVER", ComponentTypeSalRtDriver),
new MyEnum("PE32_PEIM", ComponentTypePe32Peim),
new MyEnum("PIC_PEIM", ComponentTypePicPeim),
new MyEnum("COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER", ComponentTypeCombinedPeimDriver),
new MyEnum("PEI_CORE", ComponentTypePeiCore),
new MyEnum("DXE_CORE", ComponentTypeDxeCore),
new MyEnum("APPLICATION", ComponentTypeApplication),
new MyEnum("BS_DRIVER_EFI", ComponentTypeBsDriverEfi),
new MyEnum("SHELLAPP", ComponentTypeShellApp),
new MyEnum("BINARY", ComponentTypeBinary),
new MyEnum("LOGO", ComponentTypeLogo),
new MyEnum("CUSTOM_BUILD", ComponentTypeCustomBuild)
This function get the module type value according module type string.
@param moduleTypeStr String of modlue type.
static public int getModuleType(String moduleTypeStr) {
int returnValue = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < CommonDefinition.moduleEnum.length; i++) {
returnValue = CommonDefinition.moduleEnum[i].ForInt(moduleTypeStr);
if (returnValue != -1) {
return returnValue;
return CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUnknown;
This function get the component type value according commponet type
@param componentTypeStr String of component type.
static public int getComponentType (String componentTypeStr){
int returnValue = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < CommonDefinition.componentEnum.length; i++) {
returnValue = CommonDefinition.componentEnum[i].ForInt(componentTypeStr);
if (returnValue != -1) {
return returnValue;
return CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeUnknown;
This function get the commponet type string according component type value.
@param componentType Integer value of component type.
static public String getComponentTypeString (int componentType) {
if ((componentType > CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeUnknown) ||
(componentType < CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeNull)) {
return null;
for (int index = 0; index < CommonDefinition.componentEnum.length; index++) {
if (componentType == CommonDefinition.componentEnum[index].type) {
return CommonDefinition.componentEnum[index].moduleTypeStr;
return null;
This function is to check does componet is library according to commponet
type value.
@param componentType Integer value of component type.
static public boolean isLibraryComponent (int componentType) {
if (ComponentTypeLibrary == componentType) {
return true;
return false;
* formateGuidName
* This function is to formate GUID to ANSI c form.
* @param guidNameCon
* String of GUID.
* @return Formated GUID.
public static String formatGuidName(String guidNameConv) {
String[] strList;
String guid = "";
int index = 0;
if (guidNameConv
.matches("[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}")) {
strList = guidNameConv.split("-");
guid = "0x" + strList[0] + ", ";
guid = guid + "0x" + strList[1] + ", ";
guid = guid + "0x" + strList[2] + ", ";
guid = guid + "{";
guid = guid + "0x" + strList[3].substring(0, 2) + ", ";
guid = guid + "0x" + strList[3].substring(2, 4);
while (index < strList[4].length()) {
guid = guid + ", ";
guid = guid + "0x" + strList[4].substring(index, index + 2);
index = index + 2;
guid = guid + "}";
return guid;
} else if (guidNameConv
.matches("0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,8},( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4},( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}(,( )*\\{)?(,?( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}){8}( )*(\\})?")) {
strList = guidNameConv.split(",");
// chang Microsoft specific form to ANSI c form
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
guid = guid + strList[i] + ",";
guid = guid + "{";
for (int i = 3; i < strList.length; i++) {
if (i == strList.length - 1) {
guid = guid + strList[i];
} else {
guid = guid + strList[i] + ",";
guid = guid + "}";
return guid;
} else {
.println("Check GUID Value, it doesn't conform to the registry format specified by the schema!!!");
return "0";
* Remove deuplicat string in list
* This function is to duplicat string in list
* @param String[]
* String list.
* @return String[] String list which remove the duplicate string.
public static String[] remDupString (String[] orgList){
Set<String> strList = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
String[] desList ;
if (orgList == null){
return new String[0];
for (int i = 0; i < orgList.length; i++){
desList = new String[strList.size()];
Iterator item = strList.iterator();
int index = 0;
while (item.hasNext()){
desList[index] = (String);
return desList;