blob: 4708191ac9d26c4694d9be84e9e59e05310f5344 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
The file is used to override DefaultMutableTreeNode to provides customized interfaces
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package org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.ui;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.Identifications.Identification;
The class is used to override DefaultMutableTreeNode to provides customized interfaces
It extends DefaultMutableTreeNode
public class IDefaultMutableTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
/// Define class Serial Version UID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1947340717458069548L;
// Static final definitions for all kinds of node
public static final int MSA_HEADER = 100;
public static final int MSA_LIBRARYCLASSDEFINITIONS = 101;
public static final int MSA_PACKAGEDEPENDENCIES = 102;
public static final int MSA_SOURCEFILES = 103;
public static final int MSA_PROTOCOLS = 104;
public static final int MSA_EVENTS = 105;
public static final int MSA_HOBS = 106;
public static final int MSA_PPIS = 107;
public static final int MSA_VARIABLES = 108;
public static final int MSA_BOOTMODES = 109;
public static final int MSA_SYSTEMTABLES = 110;
public static final int MSA_DATAHUBS = 111;
public static final int MSA_HIIPACKAGES = 112;
public static final int MSA_GUIDS = 113;
public static final int MSA_EXTERNS = 114;
public static final int MSA_PCDS = 115;
public static final int MSA_BUILDOPTIONS = 117;
public static final int MSA_USEREXTENSIONS = 118;
public static final int MSA_MODULEDEFINITIONS = 119;
public static final int SPD_HEADER = 200;
public static final int SPD_LIBRARYCLASSDECLARATIONS = 201;
public static final int SPD_MSAFILES = 202;
public static final int SPD_PACKAGEHEADERS = 203;
public static final int SPD_GUIDDECLARATIONS = 204;
public static final int SPD_PROTOCOLDECLARATIONS = 205;
public static final int SPD_PPIDECLARATIONS = 206;
public static final int SPD_PCDDECLARATIONS = 207;
public static final int SPD_PACKAGEDEFINITIONS = 208;
public static final int SPD_INDUSTRYSTDINCLUDES = 209;
public static final int FPD_PLATFORMHEADER = 300;
public static final int FPD_FLASH = 301;
public static final int FPD_FRAMEWORKMODULES = 302;
public static final int FPD_PCDDYNAMICBUILDDECLARATIONS = 303;
public static final int FPD_BUILDOPTIONS = 304;
public static final int FPD_PLATFORMDEFINITIONS = 305;
public static final int WORKSPACE = 0;
public static final int MODULE_DESCRIPTION = 1;
public static final int PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION = 2;
public static final int PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION = 3;
public static final int MODULE = 4;
public static final int PACKAGE = 5;
public static final int PLATFORM = 6;
public static final int MODULE_PACKAGE = 7;
public static final int MODULE_PACKAGE_LIBRARY = 8;
public static final int MODULE_PACKAGE_MODULE = 9;
//Static final definitions for operation
public static final int OPERATION_NULL = 0;
public static final int OPERATION_ADD = 1;
public static final int OPERATION_UPDATE = 2;
public static final int OPERATION_DELETE = 4;
public static final int OPERATION_ADD_UPDATE = 3;
public static final int OPERATION_ADD_DELETE = 5;
public static final int OPERATION_UPDATE_DELETE = 6;
public static final int OPERATION_ADD_UPDATE_DELETE = 7;
//Define 4 node attributes
private int category = 0;
private String nodeName = "";
private boolean isOpening = false;
private Identification id = null;
private IDefaultMutableTreeNode belongNode = null;
This is the default constructor
public IDefaultMutableTreeNode() {
This is the overrided constructor
Init clase members with input data
@param strNodeName The name of node
@param intCategory The category of node
@param bolIsOpened to identify if the node is opening or not
@param identification The Identification of node
public IDefaultMutableTreeNode(String strNodeName, int intCategory, boolean bolIsOpening,
Identification identification, IDefaultMutableTreeNode idmtBelongNode) {
this.nodeName = strNodeName;
this.category = intCategory;
this.isOpening = bolIsOpening; = identification;
this.belongNode = idmtBelongNode;
Get category of node
@return The category of node
public int getCategory() {
return category;
Set category of node
@param category The input data of node category
public void setCategory(int category) {
this.category = category;
Get name of node
@return The name of node
public String getNodeName() {
return nodeName;
Set name of node
@param nodeName The input data of node name
public void setNodeName(String nodeName) {
this.nodeName = nodeName;
Get identification of node
public Identification getId() {
return id;
Set identification of node
@param id
public void setId(Identification id) { = id;
get isOpening of node
public boolean isOpening() {
return isOpening;
Set isOpening of node
@param isOpening
public void setOpening(boolean isOpening) {
this.isOpening = isOpening;
public String toString() {
return this.nodeName;
public IDefaultMutableTreeNode getBelongNode() {
return belongNode;
public void setBelongNode(IDefaultMutableTreeNode belongNode) {
this.belongNode = belongNode;