blob: 65a345ab5b515d7ecc3b72d55b0f6dc771e3591d [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
The file is used to provide all kinds of sorting method
Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
package org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.ModuleIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Guids.GuidsIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Guids.GuidsVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.LibraryClass.LibraryClassIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.LibraryClass.LibraryClassVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.PcdCoded.PcdCodedIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.PcdCoded.PcdCodedVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.PcdCoded.PcdIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.PcdCoded.PcdVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Ppis.PpisIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Ppis.PpisVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Protocols.ProtocolsIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Protocols.ProtocolsVector;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.packaging.PackageIdentification;
import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.platform.PlatformIdentification;
public class Sort {
Sort all elements in the vector as the specific sort type
@param v The vector need to be sorted
@param mode Sort type DataType.Sort_Type_Ascendin and DataType.Sort_Type_Descending
public static void sortVectorString(Vector<String> v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).compareTo(v.get(indexI)) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).compareTo(v.get(indexJ)) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
String temp = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(temp, indexJ);
Sort all elements of vector and return sorted sequence
@param v The vector need to be sorted
@param mode Sort type DataType.Sort_Type_Ascendin and DataType.Sort_Type_Descending
@return Vector<Integer> The sorted sequence
public static Vector<Integer> getVectorSortSequence(Vector<String> v, int mode) {
Vector<Integer> vSequence = new Vector<Integer>();
// Init sequence
if (v != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < v.size(); index++) {
// sort and get new sequence
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).compareTo(v.get(indexI)) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).compareTo(v.get(indexJ)) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
// Swap strings
String tempStr = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(tempStr, indexJ);
// Swap sequences
int tempInt = vSequence.get(indexI);
vSequence.setElementAt(vSequence.get(indexJ), indexI);
vSequence.setElementAt(tempInt, indexJ);
return vSequence;
Sort all elements of vector as input sequence
@param v The vector need to be sorted
@param vSequence The sort sequence should be followed
public static void sortVectorString(Vector<String> v, Vector<Integer> vSequence) {
if (v != null && vSequence != null && v.size() == vSequence.size()) {
Vector<String> tempV = new Vector<String>();
for (int index = 0; index < v.size(); index++) {
for (int index = 0; index < v.size(); index++) {
v.setElementAt(tempV.get(vSequence.get(index)), index);
Sort all modules
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortModules(Vector<ModuleIdentification> v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
ModuleIdentification temp = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(temp, indexJ);
Sort all packages
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortPackages(Vector<PackageIdentification> v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
PackageIdentification temp = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(temp, indexJ);
Sort all platforms
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortPlatforms(Vector<PlatformIdentification> v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.get(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
PlatformIdentification temp = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(temp, indexJ);
Sort all pcd entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortPcds(PcdVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getPcd(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.getPcd(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getPcd(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.getPcd(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
PcdIdentification temp = v.getPcd(indexI);
v.setPcd(v.getPcd(indexJ), indexI);
v.setPcd(temp, indexJ);
Sort all ppi entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortPpis(PpisVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getPpis(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.getPpis(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getPpis(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.getPpis(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
PpisIdentification temp = v.getPpis(indexI);
v.setPpis(v.getPpis(indexJ), indexI);
v.setPpis(temp, indexJ);
Sort all protocol entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortProtocols(ProtocolsVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getProtocols(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.getProtocols(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getProtocols(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.getProtocols(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
ProtocolsIdentification temp = v.getProtocols(indexI);
v.setProtocols(v.getProtocols(indexJ), indexI);
v.setProtocols(temp, indexJ);
Sort all guid entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortGuids(GuidsVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getGuids(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.getGuids(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getGuids(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.getGuids(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
GuidsIdentification temp = v.getGuids(indexI);
v.setGuids(v.getGuids(indexJ), indexI);
v.setGuids(temp, indexJ);
Sort all pcd coded entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortPcdCodeds(PcdCodedVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getPcdCoded(indexJ).getName().compareTo(v.getPcdCoded(indexI).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getPcdCoded(indexI).getName().compareTo(v.getPcdCoded(indexJ).getName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
PcdCodedIdentification temp = v.getPcdCoded(indexI);
v.setPcdCoded(v.getPcdCoded(indexJ), indexI);
v.setPcdCoded(temp, indexJ);
Sort all pcd coded entries
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortLibraryClass(LibraryClassVector v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.getLibraryClass(indexJ).getLibraryClassName().compareTo(
.getLibraryClassName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.getLibraryClass(indexI).getLibraryClassName().compareTo(
.getLibraryClassName()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
LibraryClassIdentification temp = v.getLibraryClass(indexI);
v.setLibraryClass(v.getLibraryClass(indexJ), indexI);
v.setLibraryClass(temp, indexJ);
Sort all objects of a vector based on the object's "toString"
@param v
@param mode
public static void sortObjectVector(Vector<Object> v, int mode) {
if (v != null) {
// sort by name
for (int indexI = 0; indexI < v.size(); indexI++) {
for (int indexJ = indexI + 1; indexJ < v.size(); indexJ++) {
if ((v.get(indexJ).toString().compareTo(v.get(indexI).toString()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_ASCENDING)
|| (v.get(indexI).toString().compareTo(v.get(indexJ).toString()) < 0 && mode == DataType.SORT_TYPE_DESCENDING)) {
Object temp = v.get(indexI);
v.setElementAt(v.get(indexJ), indexI);
v.setElementAt(temp, indexJ);