blob: 175aa6ea8664f3dabb36a5c4567686c6ee7152cd [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Module Name:
ACPI memory mapped configuration space access table definition, defined at
in the PCI Firmware Specification, version 3.0 draft version 0.5.
Specification is available at
// Ensure proper structure formats
#pragma pack(1)
// Memory Mapped Configuration Space Access Table (MCFG)
// This table is a basic description table header followed by
// a number of base address allocation structures.
typedef struct {
UINT64 BaseAddress;
UINT16 PciSegmentGroupNumber;
UINT8 StartBusNumber;
UINT8 EndBusNumber;
UINT32 Reserved;
// MCFG Revision (defined in spec)
#pragma pack()