fixing bf16_to_f32 for subnormal numbers
diff --git a/source/bf16_to_f32.c b/source/bf16_to_f32.c
index a76632e..b86482c 100644
--- a/source/bf16_to_f32.c
+++ b/source/bf16_to_f32.c
@@ -74,17 +74,11 @@
-    if ( ! exp ) {
-        if ( ! frac ) {
-            uiZ = packToF32UI( sign, 0, 0 );
-            goto uiZ;
-        }
-        normExpSig = softfloat_normSubnormalBF16Sig( frac );
-        exp = normExpSig.exp - 1;
-        frac = normExpSig.sig;
-    }
-    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    // packToF32UI simply packs bitfields without any numerical change
+    // which means it can be used directly for any BF16 to f32 conversions which
+    // does not require bits manipulation
+    // (that is everything where the 16-bit are just padded right with 16 zeros, including
+    //  subnormal numbers)
     uiZ = packToF32UI( sign, exp, ((uint_fast32_t) frac) <<16 );
     uZ.ui = uiZ;